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浮空城。Float empty city.

它就给我一个浮点数。It hands me a float.

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舟浮江上起波澜。Boat float on the river.

云浮在空中。Clouds float in the sky.

因为有总浮时是负数。There is negative float.

你在飘飞,你在奔波。Thou dost float and run.

我是垂钓者的浮萍。I was a fisherman's float.

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看看到底是个实数还是个浮点数?Is this a real or a float?

史莱姆现在浮在水面上。Slimes now float in water.

云朵飘过其间。Where the clouds float thro.

阳光铺上她的木筏。The sunbeams round her float.

所有的豪猪都可以浮在水上。All porcupines float in water.

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海风吹,海浪涌,随我飘流四方。And I float everywhere at sea.

如光斑一样漂浮舞动。The flecks did float and dance.

于是,他们微笑着,飘去了。Then they smile and float away.

那将会给我们一个浮点数。That's going to give me a float.

下次满潮时船就可以浮起来了。The next tide will float the ship.

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袭人风细细,远烟浮。The wind careful, far smoke float.

湖头巾-最忙碌的漂流物飞机区域!Lake Hood-Busiest Float Plane Area!

显示了一个可停靠的,不能自由浮动。Shows a dockable that cannot float.