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马尔科姆·赫布登上演了一场精湛的表演。Malcolm Hebden gives a masterly performance.

除去这些不敢苟同的地方,这是一本精湛的书。These objections aside, this is a masterly book.

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阿特利聪明过人,对局势的把握颇为高明。Attlee was extremely intelligent and his grasp of the situation was masterly.

他的绘画作品总是以丰富的色彩和精绝的用笔创作而成的。His paintings are almost always executed with rich and masterly color and brushwork.

里根可以完成他的改革,部分是得益于他对于美国情节精妙宣传。Reagan accomplished his landslide partly because of his masterly exploitation of the American mood.

福尔斯巧妙地运用元小说的技巧体现了小说的主题-自由。Fowles has masterly manipulated the metafictional techniques to enunciate the motif of the novel-freedom.

走廊的尽头就是主人的睡房,墙壁的洋红色成为睡房的主要特征。The end of corridor sleeps masterly namely room, of wall carmine become sleep the main feature of the room.

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麦卡洛先生对于1870-1871年普法战争中巴黎被围困以及之后巴黎公社运动的描写,真可谓是神来之笔。His description of the 1870-71 siege of Paris and the subsequent nightmare of the Paris Commune is masterly.

此制作精巧﹐匠心独运的镀金中式算盘采用的是阿富汗白玉筹码。Masterly crafted to perfection, this exquisite Chinese abacus has gold plating and Afghanistan white jade counters.

可是,马丁的这手精湛的功夫和对她厨房洗衣间的改进却叫他在玛利亚眼中的身分一落千丈。Nevertheless, by his masterly operation and improvement of her kitchen-laundry he fell an immense distance in her regard.

另一种则是利用紫檀细密的质地和极高的可塑性,进行精湛地雕琢。Another kind is to use the quality of a material with close rosewood and extremely tall plasticity, have masterly write in an ornate style.

第二天,他对老和尚说,“师傅真高明,这一转换方向,我就忘记了时间,整个心思都浸在这经文里了。”The next day he told the old monk,"Master, you're so masterly that I forget time with a switch of direction and absorb myself in the lection."

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张大千先生善于把握各种景物的自然美之本质,无疑是与其涵养的丰厚、生活的积累分不开的。His masterly depiction of the essence of the natural beauty is doubtlessly inseparable with his profound self cultivation and life experiences.

我们的主要发言人,尊敬的肯塔基州美国参议员阿尔本•巴克利的精辟讲话切中要害。The masterly statement of our keynote speaker, the distinguished United States senator from Kentucky, Alben Barley, made that point with great force.

佛山标迪洁具有限公司拥有一大批精湛的技术人员,对产品的设计和开发具有雄厚的实力。BUDY Sanitary Ware Co. , Ltd owns a large batch of masterly technical personnel, and have an abundant strength for design and development of products.

有动手能力,具有基本的机械加工常识,能熟练运用相关工具独立设计,具有自动化设备的设计工作经验。Operation ability. can make use of related tool a design thing masterly . Have the basic knowledge of machining and the experience of automation design.

他在这本巨著中宣称,人类的头貌似已经徜徉于整洁体面的笔记本电脑中,可人类的脚趾仍浸泡在肮脏的、被污染了的原油之中。Our heads may be buried in our sleek laptops and gadgets, his masterly book announces, but our toes are still soaking in dirty, morally contaminated oil.

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医师具有高度的责任心,精湛的医术,重视多学科协作及综合治疗,是喉癌功能保全手术取得良好效果的保证。To get curative effect, the surgeons should possess high responsibility and masterly skill, and highly regard multi-discipline cooperation and multimodality therapies.

并且我也坚定不移的相信,通过我们独特时尚的美容观念、完善的医疗设备、和不断钻研的精湛技术。And I am adamantine also believe, pass us the hairdressing idea of distinctive vogue, perfect medical treatment equipment, and what study ceaselessly is masterly technology.

美国人想离开娱乐场所比想去的时候更加迫切,这可是那位了不起的马车行店主凭绝妙的直觉获得的伟大发现。It was one of the great livery-stableman'smost masterly intuitions to have discovered that Americanswant to get away from amusement even morequickly than they want to get to it.