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这破船开往大连。The ship was for Dalian.

这部影片是在大连拍的。This film was shot in Dalian.

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他昨天才离开大连。He left Dalian only yesterday.

我们什么时候去大连旅游?When shall we travel to Dalian?

大连以其旅游业著称。Dalian is famous for its tourism.

大连号称水果之乡。Dalian is known as a land of fruit.

从大连到旅顺有多远?How far away is Dalian from Lvshun?

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大连是契丹族曾生活的地方。Dalian is the Khitan tribe who live.

他是大连大学的语言教授。Dalian University was set up in 1987.

大连博大办公家具有限公司。Dalian boda office furniture co. ltd.

我喜欢在北京和大连工作。I enjoy working in Beijing and Dalian.

粉煤灰砂浆粉在大连地区鲜有使用。Fly-ash mortar is seldom used in Dalian.

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小西中午将乘船去大连。Xiaoxi will embark for dalian at midday.

昨天有一架飞机飞往大连。An airplane started for Dalian yesterday.

大连地区就是一个典型。Dalian region is one of the typical cases.

她的口音表明了她是大连人。Her accent argues that she is from Dalian.

来大连旅游的人日益增多。More and more people come to visit Dalian.

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这条轮船航行于上海与大连之间。The ship sails between Shanghai and Dalian.

中山路是大连的第一主干道。Dalian Zhongshan Road is the first main road.

从天津开发区到大连最有趣的旅行方式是乘火车。It is the to go from TEDA to Dalian by train.