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贫民窟一定是在你内心.The slum must be inside you.

贫民窟之游在肯尼亚正处于起步阶段。Slum tourism is taking off in Kenya.

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这部描写贫民窟原生态的经典影片被两次冷落。Adouble-snub for this raw slum classic.

太阳能泛光灯,给贫民窟带来了夜间足球盛宴Solar-powered lights bring night football to slum

改造市中心、住宅区、贫民区等。Redevelop a city centre housing estate slum area etc eg.

梅因街附近的贫民窟里住着许多有色人种居民。Many coloured people live in the slum near the Main Street.

那些大学女生跟下流的人胡混,带回了性病。Those college girls go slum and come home with sex disease.

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“警匪一家”在里约贫民窟里被诠释得再完美不过了。"Cop a" slum in Rio have been perfect for the interpretation.

希拉里.克林顿则指责奥巴马一度为芝加哥一个贫民窟黑心房东效力。Clinton accused Obama of having worked for a Chicago slum lord.

我们将尽全力来改善贫民区的状况。We shall try our best to remedy the conditions in the slum area.

2011年10月9日,印度孟买,黎明时分的达拉维贫民窟。The Dharavi slum in Mumbai, India, at twilight on October 9, 2011.

他一样方便的联系黑人贫民窟居民与白人大亨。He connects easilywithblack slum -dwellers and white tycoons alike.

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以埃尔巴耶为例,这是加拉加斯郊区一个位于半山腰上的贫民窟。Take El Valle, a hillside slum on the edge of Caracas, for example.

支持贫民窟旅游的人说,它可以抬高社会认知和觉悟。Slum tourism has its advocates, who say it promotes social awareness.

图为贫民窟的人们聚在一起观看81届奥斯卡颁奖礼。The picture shows the slum people together, watch 81st Academy Awards.

可以明显的假设,此处极像一个地下贫民窟。The obvious assumption was that this was some kind of subterranean slum.

男孩玩弄在港口贫民窟的风筝太子港于2010年2月16号。Boys plays with their kites in a slum of Port-au-Prince on February 16, 2010.

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此外,由于简易棚都是违规搭建,政府不会赔偿安置被拆住户。Slum residents will not be compensated because the homes were built illegally.

最近在附近的一个贫民区里,一个十几岁的男孩就因为插队而被活活打死。In a nearby slum a teenage boy was recently beaten to death for cutting in line.

除了贫民窟的百万富翁,哪部电影是今年奥斯卡的大赢家?Except for The Slum Millionare, which film is the big winner of this year's Oscar?