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目的构造一维无阻尼铁磁链方程的多项式精确解。Aim To construct explicit and polynomial solutions of ferromagnetic chain equation.

在一维绝缘铁磁链系统基础上建立了一个磁振子-声子相互作用模型。A magnon-phonon interaction model is built in one dimensional insulated ferromagnetic chain.

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在一维绝缘铁磁链系统基础上建立一个磁振子-声子相互作用模型。A magnon-phonon interaction model is built in one dimensional insulating ferromagnetic chain.

磁性材料选自永磁体材料、铁磁性材料。The magnetic material is selected from permanent magnetic material and ferromagnetic material.

铁磁质椭球内的退磁场几乎与外磁场反向。For ferromagnetic material, the demagnetizing field is almost opposite to the magnetizing field.

世界上只有极少数的物质是铁磁性物质,比如铁钴镍等。The world only a handful of ferromagnetic materials, such as material is iron cobalt nickel etc.

本文介绍了一种测试铁磁性矿物居里点的新方法。A new method for determining Curie point of ferromagnetic minerals is introduced in this article.

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严格区别铁磁性与顺磁性物质有时是很困难的。It is sometimes difficult to draw the line separating ferromagnetic from paramagnetic substances.

最后,总结出了BH—1型铁磁流体摩擦主动控制的机理。Finally, mechanism of active control of friction coefficient of BH—1 ferromagnetic fluid was concluded.

加入铁磁性填料会由于在胶层中受到明显的磁场力作用导致接头的强度下降。However, the ferromagnetic filler may reduce the effect greatly because of magnetic field force in MFT.

自发磁化和磁畴结构是铁磁性物质的两个基本特点。The self-magnetization and the magnetic domains are two basic properties of the ferromagnetic materials.

基于铁磁材料逆磁致伸缩效应的应力测试是一种新技术。The stress testing based on counter magnetostriction effect of ferromagnetic materials is a new technique.

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在此元件中,稍微施加电压即可使半导体在非磁与铁磁两种状态之间切换。In this device, a small voltage would switch the semiconductor between nonmagnetic and ferromagnetic states.

对于其它铁磁性材料冷态加热感应器的设计具有一定的参考价值。It is available for reference to the design of other cold state heating inductor for ferromagnetic materials.

本发明涉及一种磁记录用铁氧体磁粉及其制备方法。The invention relates to a ferromagnetic oxide powder for magnetic recording and a preparation method thereof.

铁磁性轴颈处在由激发线圈激发的磁场内。A ferromagnetic shaft journal is suspended in a magnetic field which is excited by surrounding excitation coils.

普通矩形电磁吸盘用于吸持一般铁磁性材料工件进行加工。The ordinary rectangular electro-magnetic chuck is used for holding common ferromagnetic materials for machining.

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磁流体是将铁磁性或亚铁磁性固体颗粒通过一定方法均匀分散在基液中的混合液。Magnetic fluid is the mixed liquid that ferromagnetic or meta ferromagnetic particle are scattered by certain way.

铁磁性质及导电性质测定结果表明,该材料为弱铁磁体和弱的半导体材料。Magnetic and conductivity measurements show the compound is a weak ferromagnetic material and a weak semiconductor.

掺杂能激发电荷密度波,从而削弱了自旋密度波,最终不利于铁磁态的稳定。Doping can excite a charge density wave weakening the spin density wave against the stability of the ferromagnetic state.