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东汉辞赋家、散文家、书法家。Han Fu family, essayist, calligrapher.

他可是当地有名的书法家呀。He is a well-known calligrapher in the area.

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他与其说是个书法家,不如说是个诗人。He is rather a poet than a calligrapher.

王羲之是中国著名的书法家。Wang Xizhi was a famous calligrapher in china.

他奇怪地问书法家这是什么原因。He asked, strangely enough, this is why calligrapher.

潘天寿是一个教育家、法家和画家。Pan Tianshou was an educator, calligrapher and painter.

大牛,这位啊就是锡伯族著名的书法家格土肯先生。Daniel, This is the famed Xibe calligrapher Mr. Ge Tuken.

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代表人物是颜真卿。The period's representative calligrapher was Yan Zhenqing.

郭庆华,字天放,学者、诗人、书法家。Guo Qinghua, styled Tianfang, is a scholar, poet and calligrapher.

鲜于枢,元代初期著名的书法家。Xianyu Shu is an outstanding calligrapher of the early Yuan Dynasty.

这位知名书法家将他写的一些春联送给别人。The famous calligrapher gave away some of the spring couplets he wrote.

这位书法家的书法苍劲有力,入木三分。This calligrapher writes a forceful hand, with bold and vigorous strokes.

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作者王羲之,中国古代晋代书法家。The author was Wang Xizhi, a calligrapher in Jin Dynasty in Chinese history.

晚唐的书家代表人物是柳公权。Liu Gongquan was another representative calligrapher of the late Tang Dynasty.

按照惯例是要写一首诗来告别的。It is customary to write a farewell poem, but I am neither poet nor calligrapher.

王僧虔,南朝齐书法家,也是书法理论家。At Southern Dynasties, calligrapher Wang Seng-qian also was a calligraphic theorist.

李铎,著名书法家,一九三0年生,湖南醴陵人。Li Duo, is a famous calligrapher who was born in Liling city, Hunan province in 1930.

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沈尹默先生是中国新文化运动的开拓者之一,他既是诗人,也是书法家。Mr. Shen Yinmo, a pioneer in the May 4th Movement, is both a poet and a calligrapher.

钱是一名书法家。他这些年来一直欺骗父母、妻子和儿子。Qian, calligrapher by profession , deceived his parents, wife and son all these years.

欧阳中石先生是中国当代著名的书法家,他的作品可以说是一字千金。Ouyang Zhongshi is a famous calligrapher in contemporary China, his works is valueless.