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头发油腻腻的!My hair all greasy.

一个肮脏的海盗!But a greasy freebooter !

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沾上油脂的泳镜,不好!Greasy goggles, not good!

这意大利面太油了。This pasta is too greasy.

这炖肉有点腻。This stew is a bit greasy.

喜欢一个人,是甜腻的。Like a person, is sweet greasy.

炉子上总是摆着一只油腻的锅。A big greasy wok sat on the stove.

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他皮笑肉不笑地和我打了招呼。He greeted me with a greasy smile.

她一看到油腻的食物就恶心。She loathed the sight of greasy food.

夏天您的皮肤油腻吗?Summer has left you with greasy skin?

颗粒极细,有滑腻感。Very small particles with greasy feel.

所有这些物质具有一种“滑腻的”感觉。All these materials have a "greasy feel".

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油炸洋葱,这里的菜都很油腻。Frying onions. Local food is very greasy.

他的双肘撑在满是油污的柜台上。He propped his elbows upon a greasy counter.

咱们花了多少个小时荡涤到处是油污的厨房。It took us hours to clean the greasy kitchen.

添加的精油是否会让颈圈表面油腻?Does the essential oil make the collar greasy?

喝水时注意嘴唇上不要油乎乎的。Try not to get your lips greasy when drinking.

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别吃的太油腻,丰富蛋白质和新鲜水果才是王道。More protein and fruits, and less greasy foods.

他脸上的油太多了,他的雀斑都滑走了。His face is so greasy , his freckle slipped off.

夏天我的皮肤有时候会出油。During the summer, my skin sometimes gets greasy.