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太阳嬉闹,月华盈盈。The sportive sun, the gibbous moon.

今晚木星将会很靠近明亮的新月。Jupiter resides close to the waxing gibbous moon tonight.

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今晚光辉四溢的木星和月亮拉近了距离。The planet Jupiter blazes near the waxing gibbous moon tonight.

事实上,这颗突起的相位显示了部分木卫二。In fact, this gibbous phase shows part of Jupiter's moon Europa.

有一颗明亮的星昨天在今晚峨眉凸月的右边。There's a bright star right next to tonight's waxing gibbous moon.

今晚木星乳白色的新月边散发着光芒。Jupiter is that blazing point of light near tonight'swaxing gibbous moon.

蛾眉日和凸月的长落时刻,可以用同样的方法估计。The rise and sets of crescent and gibbous phase can be estimated in the same way.

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今晚,明亮的新月会让天王星在漆黑的夜空中出现。Tonight, the bright waxing gibbous moon erases Uranus from the blackboard of night.

今晚,满月的月亮照亮了金牛座的前面。Tonight, the waxing gibbous moon shines in front of the constellation Taurus the Bull.

今晚,我们仍然会看见月亮很圆,但它已经运行在亏凸月的轨道上了。Tonight, although it may look full to the eye, it is already in a waning gibbous phase.

那里你会发现在一轮弯月下方不远的地方有一颗明亮的星星。That's where you'll find the waxing gibbous moon with a bright star some distance below it.

今晚傍晚时分,峨眉凸月和行星火星将会出现在东部天空。The waxing gibbous moon and planet Mars can be seen in the eastern sky at nightfall tonight.

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当月亮超过其一半亮度,正在向完全发光时,我们叫它盈凸月,即渐进饱和之月亮。A moon that's more than half lighted and is on its way to becoming full is called a waxing gibbous moon.

今年来自凸月的光会干扰观测。Light from the Moon, which is in a so-called gibbous phase, could interfere with observations this year.

今日的星图展示了午夜前后明亮的凸月和木星。Our sky chart shows the bright waxing gibbous moon and the planet Jupiter for around mid-evening tonight.

今晚午夜稍迟一些时候小满月悬挂在东南地平线上。The full-looking waning gibbous moon rises over your southeastern horizon at mid to late evening tonight.

看似圆满的月亮渐渐由盈转亏,日暮时分的东方天际,月球和昴宿星团翩然而至。The full-looking waning gibbous moon and the Pleiades star cluster rise in the east around nightfall tonight.

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在海洋测深中,由于回声测深仪波束角效应的影响,对凸形海底的测量会带来较大的失真。The record seabed image distorted due to the angular beam-width of echo-sounder in bathymetric, especially for gibbous terrain.

今晚的月亮实际上是渐亏的拱起的月亮,但还是又大又亮,可以遮住大部分星星的光芒。Tonight's moon will actually be a waning gibbous moon, though it'll still be so big and bright that it'll erase most of the stars from the sky.

上个月,在土星轨道上的宇宙飞船卡西尼号拍的这张照片,捕捉到土星著名的卫星中的两个,呈凸圆相位。A view with two of the more famous moons of Saturn in gibbous phase was captured last month by the robot spacecraft Cassini now orbiting Saturn.