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重新启动到脱机方。Reboot to offline side.

冷备份或离线备份。Cold or offline backups.

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要是客户端现在是离线的呢?What if that client is offline?

它支持我们的网外战略吗?Does this support our offline strategy?

配置商店可以离线支付。Configure the store for offline payments.

在线测试资源限制型目标Test resource-constrained targets offline

“方舟天使”的反射炉不能用。The Ark Angel's reflex furnace is offline.

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现在,我们可以在离线数据中滚动了。Now we can scroll through our data offline.

将镜像分为活动方和脱机方。Break mirrors into active and offline sides.

为什么要把杯子看成是半杯空的呢?Status Offline Why See the Glass Half Empty?

内存容量大,可脱机使用。Large memory capacity & possible offline work.

一个免费的,离线的字典,基于维基。A free, offline dictionary based on Wiktionary.

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离线功能就是这样的要求之一。Offline functionality is one of those features.

那就是在你邀请有严重分歧的人在线下讨论的时候可以。For severe dissenters invite offline discussion.

将磁盘镜像分为活动方和脱机方。Break disk mirrors into active and offline sides.

这是“水中仙女二元体”通常的结局。Status Offline This is how naiad dyads often end.

升级的投资,以赚取比特币,而下线。Upgrade investments to earn bitcoins while offline.

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这对进行线下贸易的纳税人是不公平的。This is unfair to taxpayers who conduct trade offline.

保持离线。关断电脑。闭关修*河*炼*蟹*。Stay offline. Shut off your computer. Stay in the shed.

但现实世界里那些不上网的商人,没有这些数据。But real-world offline merchants have none of these data.