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她是个早熟的姑娘。She is precocious.

他们成了一批思想早熟、善写悲剧的能手。They become precocious experts in tragedy.

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但“早熟的”超级大国是否有可能出现?But is precocious superpowerdom even possible?

我就像有33,000个珍贵的外孙一样。It was like having 33, 000 precocious grandchildren!

他两个兄弟,罗伯特和泰德,也是相当早熟。His brothers, Robert and Ted, were equally precocious.

这个早熟的小孩四岁时就很能读书了。This very precocious child could read well at the age of four.

在著名的对数学早慧少年的长期研究中。In a famous long-term study of mathematically precocious youth.

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毫无疑问,阿斯特里德是一个早熟,且讨人喜欢的姑娘。There is no doubt that Astrid is a very likable and precocious girl.

他聪明和早慧,记忆力惊人。He was intelligent and precocious and endowed with a prodigious memory.

究其原因,一是吴地早熟的农业奠定了无锡饮食的物质基础。Firstly the precocious of agriculture in Wu place is the material basis.

你说,发育的早的孩子们比较成熟,称为早熟。You talk about kids who develop early who are sort of mature as precocious.

田纳西总在做事,停不下来,他好像一个早熟的孩子,真的就是。Tennessee was always doing something. He was like a precocious child, really.

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无论是早熟还是早产,重国仍然是一个暂时的超级大国。Whether it is precocious or premature, China is still a tentative superpower.

精神科医生吴秀三把夏目漱石诊断为早发性痴呆症的一种。Psychiatrist Kure Shuzou diagnosed Natsume Soseki as a kind of precocious dementia.

1980年,波多黎各的医生遇到了性早熟的病例。In the 1980s, doctors in Puerto Rico began encountering cases of precocious puberty.

一个早熟的天才,他终生未娶。据他说,这会影响事业的发展。A precocious talent, he never married because, he said, it would have hurt his career.

而后,弟弟变得外向而热爱交际,我很害羞,还有那么点阴郁和早熟。Later on, where my brother was outgoing and gregarious, I was shy, somewhat sour and precocious.

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研究了增加新生儿早早期母乳摄入量对早发性母乳性黄疸的影响。The impact on the precocious breast icterus with the early breast intake of the newborns was studied.

早熟的葡萄牙人自从来到英超就开始了他对这块土地的统治,在他之前还从来没有球员做到过这一点。The precocious Portuguese then set about dominating the Premier League like no midfielder before him.

如果你的回答是通常被认为性早熟比例高的西方国家之一,那么你可就大错特错了。If you were to pick one of the nations of the supposedly sexually precocious West, you'd be quite wrong.