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我是一名宿命论者。I'm a fatalist.

我猜我是个宿命论者。I guess I am a fatalist.

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第二,不要做个宿命论者。Second, don't be fatalist.

开始摒除死亡主义世界观。Start unlearning fatalist world views.

我想我算是一个相信宿命的人吧。I think I am pretty much of a fatalist.

你迷信吗?我猜我是个宿命论者。Are you superstitious? I guess I am a fatalist.

攀岩运动汽车司机必须是宿命论者。Rock climbers and sports car drivers must be fatalist.

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这种人往往是一个敢于冒险的人,一个乐观主义者,和一个宿命论者。This person is often a risk taker an optimist and a fatalist.

我是一个宿命论者,我相信足球输赢的言论。I am a fatalist and I believe in football you win and you lose.

第二章专门介绍了三篇认为哈代是一位宿命论者的文章的主要论点。Chapter Two deals specifically with the major arguments of the three articles that maintain that Thomas Hardy is a fatalist.

我的朋友们还是搞不明白我的个人生活,我会带上愤世嫉俗、有点神经质、有点宿命论的人格面具去应付他们的疑惑。My friends were confused about me, but I’d throw them off my trail by embracing the persona of a cynical, slightly neurotic fatalist.

这就是我一直奉行的生活原则------不担心未来的事,也不为下一刻发生的事操心。And so I have tried to follow that out-and not to worry about the future or what was going to happen. I think I am pretty much of a fatalist.