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这是一项新发明的测试。It's a new test, newly devised.

植物菱叶云实在中国的分布新记录。Vidal is newly recorded to China.

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这条航路是新开发的。This air route is newly developed.

幻儿,仔兽刚断奶的幼儿,离。A newly weaned child or young animal.

拼车是一个新兴的事物。Carpooling is a newly emerging thing.

并且,我还开始面对丧夫寡居的生活。I was also facing life newly widowed.

新买的雪花膏用着行吗?Is the newly bought cream OK with you?

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新内置门和隐型灯具。Newly cabinet door and recessed light.

刚刚空下来的城镇呼吸、放松。The newly empty town breathes, relaxes.

那对新婚夫妻将到日本去度蜜月。The newly weds will honeymoon in Japan.

它们找到一棵刚发芽的树苗。They've found a newly sprouted sapling.

这段简要介绍了寺罗汉。This is a newly built temple to arhats.

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我注意到3新目录,能够小块碎片。I note 3 newly catalog-able debris piece.

新设计的大炮射程为9公里。The newly designed gun ranges 9 kilometres.

风猛列地撕扯着栽的树苗。The wind tore at the newly planted sapling.

风猛列地撕扯着栽的树苗。The wind tore at the newly planted sapling.

他买了上好的绫罗绸缎送给她的新婚妻子。He bought high-grade silk for his newly wife.

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裙子,裙摆是波浪形的。The newly bought skirt has a wave-like shape.

他们把大量的米抛洒在这对新人身上。They shower the newly married pair with rice.

全新改良之高密度全钢油网。Newly improvised high density steel extension.