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本防水型数字温度计经NSF认证,且可自动关机。This waterproof digital is NSF certified and has automatic shut-off.

国家科学基金会最近又在费尔班克斯北部建立了波克尔台地研究靶场。The NSF recently built the Poker Flat Research Range north of Fairbanks.

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国家科学基金会和其他工资机构把纳米科学技术作为特别优先事项。NSF and other funding agencies have made nano-science and -technology a high priority.

如果你一定要喝瓶装的,寻找那些有NSF认证或者是隶属IBWA的品牌。When you must have bottled, look for brands that have NSF certifica-tion or belong to IBWA.

通过他们的努力,我们从美国认可的机构,如国家科学基金会和美国农业部的标准。With their efforts, we are exprienced in accredited bodies from USA such as NSF or USDA standards.

关于感染性疾病生态学研究计划的详情载于美国国家科学基金会网站Additional information on the Ecology of Infectious Diseases Program is available at the NSF Web site.

桩顶荷载较小时,负摩阻力对于桩基沉降的影响基本上是线性的。The influence of NSF on pile settlement is almost in linear relation while working load on pile top is small.

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国家科学基金会是一个独立的测试机构,设置产品标准和认证的宝系统的性能。NSF is an independent testing agency that sets product standards and certifies the performance of POU systems.

有限元分析结果表明,影响桩基负摩阻力特性的桩体材料弹性模量存在一个临界值。Finite element analysis shows that a critical value exists for Young's module of pile that affects NSF character.

他参加了由美国国家科学基金会和美国地质调查局赞助的研究项目。D. in Civil Engineering from Clemson University in USA. He participated in research projects sponsored by NSF and USGS.

美国国家科学基金会通过向美国近1,700所高校和研究所提供赠款,资助活动遍及全美50个州和其他一些国家。The NSF funds reach all 50 states and several countries through grants to nearly 1,700 U.S. universities and institutions.

主讲人为上海禾邦认证有限公司产品认证部技术经理柳玮先生。Your instructor for the course will be Mr. Liu Wei, Technical Manager, Product Certification Division, NSF Shanghai Co. , Ltd.

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从NSF、DOE的不同资助体制可以看出不同资助目标、资助方式的基金对资助重大原始创新的取得具有明显的互补作用。From the differences of systems for NSF and DOE, it is shown that different kinds of foundations are supplements of each other.

将USANA获得NSF认证的好消息告知您的顾客及潜在客户吧﹗因为这消息正好证明USANA一直也致力生产安全优质的营养产品。Tell your customers and prospects about this latest NSF certification, which reflects USANA's continued commitment to product quality and safety.

在全国科学基金会的另外资助下,他们最近展开了针对学前儿童的一项研究,以确定他们在学校环境中怎样和在哪里组成团体。With additional NSF funding, they recently launched a study of preschool children to determine how and where they form groups in their school environment.

1995年NSFNET回归研究网络的角色,将网际网络的流量留给网络提供者传递,而不用国家科学基金会的超级计算机。In 1995 the NSFNET reverted to the role of a research network, leaving Internet traffic to be routed through network providers rather than NSF supercomputers.

手动过滤阀F56F,润新水处理控制阀系列产品已顺利通过了世界上认知度最高的NSF认证!Manual valve, filter F56F embellish of new water treatment control valve series products have suc c essfully passed the world awareness of the highest NSF approval!

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现在,NSF向USANA颁发的优质生产标准及营养补充品标准认证证书,是USANA产品绝对值得您信赖的另一明证。Now, NSF Certification for Good Manufacturing Practices and Dietary Supplement Standards are further proof that USANA products are truly Nutritionals You Can Trust.

美国国家科学基金会表示,天文台的规模越大就越灵敏,因为面积的增加意味着中微子和水核的碰撞就越有可能被观测到。The bigger the observatory the better, since more area increases the number of potential neutrino-water nuclei collisions that can be observed, according to an NSF statement.

在美国国家科学基金会和费城水利署的支持下,她用了五年时间研究隐孢子虫的寄生虫以及孢子虫在水体中的传播和死亡。With support from NSF and the Philadelphia Water Department, she has spent five years studying the parasite Cryptosporidium parvum and its transport and fate in water bodies.