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重温这些自虐的单身时光吧!Relive those times of self-inflicted celibacy!

相反,我则在不断试图重温我的孩提时代。I, in turn, kept trying to relive my childhood.

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你能一笑再笑,重温那些美好时刻。You can laugh again and again, relive those great moments.

而是一个十年灾难的回音,但是,我们负担不起危机重演。It’s an echo of a disastrous decade we can’t afford to relive.

2000年,他甚至决定重温年少时的艰辛旅程。In 2000, he even decided to relive the acid trips of his youth.

但是当然谁都不愿意重渡08年一些黑暗的日子。But surely no oner wants to relive some of the darker days of 008.

只有感情丰富的受虐狂才愿意重温那风风光光的九十年代。Only a sentimental masochist would want to relive the tawdry 1990s.

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搞活国有企业的形式多样,出售是其中的一种方式。To sell is one of the method to relive the State-owned enterprises.

错过了派对或是想要再一次回顾吗?我们每星期都为你写各大活动的回顾。Missed a party or want to relive it one more time? We post reviews every week.

发挥的作用这个伟大的战士和重温伟大的史诗摩诃婆罗多刺激。Play the role of this Great Warrior and relive the thrill of The Great Epic Mahabharata.

但随着社会压力的出现,中国是否会重现美国镀金时代的问题?But as social pressures build, is the country set to relive the trauma of America’s Gilded Age?

一个慈善家的干预在新婚夫妇的生活企图重温他的过去。A philanthropist meddles in the lives of newly-married couples in an attempt to relive his past.

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我们能不能记录性冲动高潮时的信号,然后再现并重新体验那些感觉?Could we record signals at the height of our arousal, then play these back and relive the experience?

解决城市交通出行困难的问题,建立多模式绿色交通体系是必然选择。To relive urban traffic congestion, it is necessary to promote non-motorized green travel alternatives.

如果凉水澡和保湿乳也不能缓解瘙痒的症状,那你就需要类固醇乳霜或者口服的抗组胺剂了。If cool baths and moisturizers don't relive itching, you may need a steroid cream or oral antihistamine.

卷心菜与芥菜,芜箐,甘蓝和羽衣甘蓝都颇有渊源。Cabbages Cabbage is related to masteredmustard, turn-upsturnips, K. O. kale and colors, we relive collards.

太阳会西升东落吗?我能够改正昨天的过错吗?Will the sun rise where it sets and set where is rises?Can i relive the errors of yesterday and right them?

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我们一次又一次地经历痛苦,让它们在脑海里自由浮现,对此难以释怀。We relive the pain over and over, letting them live rent-free in our head and we have a hard time letting go.

井冈山革命博物馆馆长肖邮华带着我们重温那历史一幕Youhua Xiao Curator of the Revolutionary Museum of Mount Jinggang led us to relive the scene of that history.

但是佩恩对细节进行精准的把握,对天赋异禀的历史想象力进行熟练的运用使得读者能够复活这些故事。But Mr Penn, with a sharp eye for detail and adroit use of a gifted historical imagination, lets readers relive them.