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他令人厌恶地舔着他的嘴唇。He licked his lips in an unpleasantly reptilian way.

“类似蛇的爬行机器人本质上是轮式机器人”,邦加德说。"The snake and reptilian robots are, in essence, training wheels, " said Bongard.

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关于我们昴宿星人联合像鸟和像爬虫的众神创造者。We Pleiadians are associated with the creator gods that are bird like and reptilian.

瑞恩·威尔逊则完美地演绎了影片中的大反派盖拉克斯,一只长着四只眼的外星爬虫。Rainn Wilson is the perfect voice for Galaxhar, a four-eyed, reptilian villain from space.

灰人、爬虫人和仙女座人的DNA通常在提升到1024股时就能被重铸并转化。Gray, Reptilian and Andromedan DNA is generally cast off and transmuted in the ascent to 1024.

在所有的概率基路伯,塞拉芬和驱逐舰都是一样翼爬行动物。In all probability Cherubim, Seraphim and Destroyers are all the same winged reptilian creatures.

仿皮趋势爬行动物的打印设置一个可调的玛丽珍整个脚背带的上。Faux leather upper in trend-setting reptilian print with an adjustable mary jane strap across the instep.

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最原始的羽毛是单纤维,类似于刚毛,从爬行动物的皮肤上突出来。Feathers in their most primitive form were single filaments, resembling quills, that jutted from reptilian skin.

“魔鬼飞翔者”就在其中,它是一种长有翼的爬行动物,有点类似——也可能就是——翼龙。Among them, suggest some, is the ropen, a winged reptilian creature that resembles — or perhaps is — a pterodactyl.

托马斯称,有超过18,000短“灰色的杜尔塞设施”是,他看到了爬行动物类人型机器人。Thomas alleges that there were over 18,000 short "greys" at the Dulce Facility , and that he saw reptilian humanoids.

一些鹦鹉螺化石上有牙印,看上去仿佛是巨大爬虫类捕食者比如沧龙留下的。Some ammonite fossils have tooth marks that look as though they were made by huge reptilian predators called mosasaurs.

情绪变化的男人更可能进入爬虫类动物模式,进行口头攻击或变得咄咄逼人。A man who switches on his emotions is more likely to go into a reptilian mode and lash out vocally or become aggressive.

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最常用的坐骑是卡杜,一种无翼的爬行鸟类,冈根人用羽毛装点它们,骑着它们冲上战场。Their most common mount is the kaadu, a wingless reptilian avian which Gungans adorn with feathers and ride into combat.

这种种特性显示了牠们是最原始的哺乳类动物,而且还保留了爬虫类动物的一些特徵。These characteristics are linked with the fact that they are one of the oldest mammals and have kept some reptilian traits.

自蛋壳中分离出DNA将会提供古代鸟类和爬虫类生存和死亡的细节。Being able to isolate eggshell DNA will givedetailed information about how ancient bird and reptilian species livedand died.

在今天早些时候的午间活动中,里伯斯金向我们把这个爬虫般的结构称为一条“手工龙”。Speaking to Dezeen at the launch event earlier today, Libeskind described the reptilian structure as a "handcrafted dragon".

爬虫军的科学家混合这些卵和他们自己的精子去培育出两个半大头颅半爬虫军后代。The Reptilian scientists blended the eggs with their own sperm and incubated two half Grand Master half Reptilian offspring.

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他那单调的脸上长着一张宽大的、淌着口水的、没牙齿的大嘴,两只橘黄色的爬行动物眼睛从巨大的脑袋上贪婪地注视着周围。A wide, drooling toothless grin split his flat face, and two yellow-red reptilian eyes stared covetously from his immense head.

不过怀疑者声称这种结构不过是被撕碎的胶原纤维,而中华龙鸟有着光滑的爬行动物的皮肤。Skeptics have claimed that the structures were just shredded collagen fibers and that Sinosauropteryx had a smooth reptilian skin.

龙是传说的生物,典型的如蛇般蜿蜒,或者具有爬行类动物的特征,在众多文明的神话中都是主角。Dragons are legendary creatures, typically with serpentine or otherwise reptilian traits, that feature in the myths of many cultures.