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许多油漆可用松节油稀释。Most paints reduce with turpentine.

冷杉分泌出一种质地优良的松树胶。The firs perspire a fine balsam of turpentine.

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这是一篇有关松节油利用的综述。This article reviews the utilization of turpentine.

以廉价的松节油为原料,合成出具有浓郁香气的檀香化合物。A strong precious sandalwood oil was synthesized with cheap turpentine.

松油树指松腊和易挥发的油的粘稠的混和物。The sticky mixture of resin and volatile oil from which turpentine is distilled.

本论文是以松节油为原材料,采用两步催化制备异松油烯。This paper prepared terpinolene using turpentine as raw material by two-stage catalyze.

油漆溶于松节油时,油漆是溶质,松节油就是溶剂。Paint is the solute and turpentine is the solvent when paint is dissolved in turpentine.

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产品,如松脂或松脂制品,最初用来填塞木制船舶的隙缝。Products, such as turpentine or pitch, originally used to caulk the seams of wooden ships.

以松节油为基础的萜烯马来树脂在各种不同的部门得到广泛的应用。Terpene- Maleic resins based on turpentine have wide usage in different industry department.

油画的修复与清理是一个微妙的过程使用亚麻籽油和松节油。Oil painting restoration and cleaning is a delicate process using linseed oil and turpentine.

他们从树脂中提炼松节油,然后他们的脚后跟就会沾上黑色黏稠的焦油。They would make turpentine from tar and get the black, sticky tar on the heels of their feet.

红脂大小蠹是我国近年来重要的入侵害虫。The Red turpentine bark beetle, Dendroctonus valens LeConte, is an invading pest of pines in China.

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硝酸是否能损坏已经混合了松脂和亚麻籽的清漆?Will Nitiric acid destroy a ready mixed oil varnish with the turpentine and linseed oil already mixed in?

余下的部分他直接用颜料而不用任何媒介如油、松节油或者其他的混合物。For the rest he used his color without a medium of any kind, neither oil, turpentine or any other mixture.

论述了松节油与冰乙酸一步法合成乙酸松油酯工艺。The technology of one step synthesis of terpinyl acetate from turpentine and glacial acetic acid is described.

使用松节油或松节油和亚麻子油的混合物,以确保您最初的油漆涂层薄。Use turpentine or a mixture of turpentine and linseed oil to ensure that your initial coat of oil paint is thin.

在用作油漆、可挥发性溶剂以及油彩刷的清洁剂等方面,松脂比石油效果更好。Oil of turpentine is favoured over petroleum solvents as an oil-paint thinner, varnish solvent, and Brush cleaner.

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介绍松节油合成农药增效剂单萜烯基酰亚胺的一般合成机理和合成工艺。The general mechanism and techniques of synthesizing monoterpene imides synergist from turpentine oil were introduced.

棉、丝织品上若沾染油漆渍,需先用煤油或松节油擦到去渍为止,然后洗衣。For paint stains on the surface of cotton and silk fabrics, wipe it off with kerosene or turpentine oil before washing.

以松节油为主要原料与顺酐、环氧氯丙烷及丙烯酸反应,合成一种新型TMA环氧丙烯酸酯。A turpentine as a main material can react with an epichlorohydrin and an acrylic acid to form a new TMA epoxy acrylate resin.