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我的热度没有吓坏你吗?Does not my heat astound you.

易用性将你震惊。The ease of use will astound you.

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真夜不该讶异的。The true night should not astound.

小说的结局会让你大吃一惊。The ending of the novel will astound you.

千难万险只一刻,英雄本色惊四方。Her qualities of a hero astound the world.

诉说一千个让你惊奇的故事。Tell a thousand tales that will astound you.

为了让这份名单,一个镜头要震惊。To make it to this list, a lens has to astound.

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全部节目将使尊敬的观众惊心动魄。A repertoire of tricks will astound the esteemed public.

这个展览并非要让任何人惊奇,只是想让人们感兴趣。This exhibit was not designed to astound but to interest.

这听起来也许有些愚蠢,但这类事情却使我震惊。It may sound silly, but these sort of things just astound me.

他对事物的实际掌握和他充沛的精力实在使我惊异。His practical grasp of affairs and his energy still astound me.

通过练习我们能非常好地运用它,结果会让我们吃惊。With practice we can perfect our use of it and the results will astound us.

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如果我们所做的都授揭们擅长的事情,我们最终将使自己大吃一惊。If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves.

我们的演员阵容改变了许多次,但我们的宗旨始终不变,那就是要让你们感到震惊和害怕!Our lineup has changed many times, but never our aim, which is to astound and terrify you!

我们总是惊讶于她不回头看就能背投中的扣篮技术。He never fails to astound us with his ability to dunk a basketball backwards without looking.

他震惊在自己的这种情绪变化里,原来他还是笑得出来的。He was astound at his emotional change. He was able to laugh though he was in such a dilemma.

里面的她是更加美丽壮观的世界,充满的声与美,会让你大吃一惊!Inside her is the most splendid world filled with sights, sounds, and fragrances that will astound you!

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反正,他的天赋好的让他将阴影画的如此微妙,细致到震惊了半个世纪的观赏者。In any case, he was genius enough to paint shadows subtle enough to astound viewers for half amillennium.

因为你们持有这些频率振动,你们将把信息带到行星上,信息将使你们世界多数人的感到震惊。As you hold these frequencies, you will bring information onto the planet that will astound and shock most of the world.

这些研究发现没法让你眼前一亮,却能让你豁然开朗——原来,人们的常识的确是有科学依据的。These researches will astound but illuminate you---in fact, the common knowledge of ordinary people are most scientific.