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瀑布的声音震耳欲聋。The cataract deafened the ear with its roar.

您可能有一个白内障在一个或两个眼睛是雪亮的。You may have a cataract in one or both eyes.

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轰鸣的瀑布声萦绕于耳,如同滂湃的激情。The sounding cataract haunted me like a passion.

白内障手术是用于治疗白内障的。Cataract surgery is performed to treat cataracts.

这样做能够增强白内障患眼的视力。This strengthens sight in the eye with the cataract.

这是由于白内障引起的眩光所造成的。This happens because of the glare caused by a cataract.

饮食也是白内障,青光眼的主要原因。Diet is a major factor in cataract and glaucoma as well.

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前言紫外线是引起白内障的重要环境因素之一。Introduction UVR is one of important factors for cataract.

白内障就是眼睛的晶状体上有阴影或者浑浊。A cataract is a clouding or dulling of the lens in the eye.

剑尾鱼是白内障的易发群体。The BY-F swordtail fish are susceptible to develop cataract.

本文首次使用邵氏硬度计测量了62眼老年性白内障晶体核。We measured 62 nuclei of senile cataract by Shaos durometer.

白内障手术可在治愈白内障的同时纠正近视。Cataract surgery corrects the myopia as well as the cataract.

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翻译大瀑布长年累月地冲刷着巨石。The cataract is flattening the huge stone all the year round.

致盲病因主要为白内障、角膜病和青光眼等。The main cause of cataract is blindness, keratopathy, and glaucoma.

因此,亟待开展紫外线与白内障的危险性评价。Thus , risk evaluation of cataract induced by UVR is an urgent need.

如果你患有白内障,你的近视力可能会在较短的一段时间内得到改善。Your near vision may improve for a short time if you get a cataract.

如果患儿只有单眼白内障,说不定您还发现不了。If a child has a cataract in only one eye, you may not be able to tell.

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是一种具危害视力风险的白内障手术并发症。It is a potentially vision-threatening complication of cataract surgery.

目的探索适合高度近视白内障手术治疗的方法。Objective To explore the desirable operation for cataract in high myopia.

职业性白内障诊断标准及处理原则。Diagnostic criteria and principles of management of occupational cataract.