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老人在深雪中跋涉走向家中。The old man trudged through the deep snow bac towards home.

HRCT是孤立型细支气管肺泡癌诊断及鉴别诊断的重要手段。HRCT is important in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of localized BAC.

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HRCT是细支气管肺泡癌的诊断及鉴别诊断的重要手段之一。HRCT is an important method to determine the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of BAC.

第二例最新报告病例为南部薄寮省一名17岁男孩。The second newly reported case is a 17-year-old boy from the southern province of Bac Lieu.

我们为北仲调解课程项目的结果感到激动。We at the Straus Institute are thrilled by the response to the BAC Mediation Training Program.

但是,如果是一个身高6英尺4英寸、体重220磅的男性,在喝下同样多的酒之后,他的BAC就会比较低。But a man who is 6-foot-4 and 220 pounds will have a lower BAC after consuming the same amount.

在群众体育法制建设方面,北宁省完全一致于越南国家的情况。In the constructing of sport for all legal system, Bac Ninh is consistent with the whole country.

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作为越南64个省市中,北宁省的群众体育这几年已经有所进步。Bac Ninh province, as one of the Vietnam' s 64 provinces, its sport of all has made some progress.

自一月份推出以来,该系统的日常访问量已经达到98000次的峰值,根据BAC介绍。Daily views of the system since its launch in January have reached a peak of 98,000, according to the BAC.

BAC初诊时多为早期病例,肺腺癌、肺鳞癌则为中晚期病例。BAC over time for early diagnosed cases of lung adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, it is in advanced cases.

另外,细支气管肺泡癌骨骼转移灶呈浸润性破坏,分布较广,以肋骨和锁骨侵犯为多见。In addition, BAC skeleton metastatic, destroyed and widely spread, and mostly seen in rib and clavicular invasion.

可惜,关于该省群众体育的研究目前还是空白,未能为管理者提供资料。In fact, there are few researches about the sport for all in Bac Ninh, it can' t provide the data for the managers.

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我们还利用自行设计的一套制膜工具,为本BAC文库制备了中密度菌落杂交膜。We have also prepared middle —density hybridization filters for this BAC library using a tool designed by ourselves.

该方法为进一步构建中棉所12号多倍基因组的BAC文库、从而进行棉花基因组有关研究奠定了基础。The method will lay a foundation for more-genome-equivalent BAC library construction of CCRI 12 and cotton genome research.

女性体内的含水量往往低于男性,这就意味着同样多的饮酒量会使女性的BAC更高。Women's bodies also tend to have less water than men's, which means the same amount of alcohol will yield an even higher BAC.

喝咖啡、淋浴或用冷水泼脸可能会使你感到更加清醒,但不会改变你的BAC。Drinking coffee, having a shower or splashing cold water on your face may make you feel more alert, but won't change your BAC.

基于修正的拉格朗日坐标描述法,推导了空间纤绳单元的大位移刚度矩阵。In this paper, the lap displacement stiffness matrix of the space cable is derived bac on the updated Total Lagrangian Formulation.

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此外,嵌段序列的变化还导致了三元相图对称性的破缺。Furthermore, the symmetry of the triangle phase diagram was broken when the sequence of triblock copolymer was varied from ABC to BAC.

将上述定位的鸡的20个功能基因的BAC克隆分别与利用胚胎成纤维细胞制备的鸭和鸵鸟的中期染色体杂交。The above BAC clones of 20 chicken genes were hybridized by FISH with duck and ostrich metaphase chromosomes prepared from embryo fibroblasts.

被申请人收到仲裁申请书副本后,应当在15日内向仲裁委员会提交答辩书。After receiving the copy of the application, the respondent shall, within 15 days from the date of receipt, submit a written defense to the BAC.