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体操垫。Gymnastics mats.

这孩子练习做操。The boy practises gymnastics.

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孩子们还在上体操课?The girls still at gymnastics?

我可以让太婆看我表演体操。I can show Nanny my gymnastics.

体操比乒乓球更令人兴奋。Gymnastics is than tabel tennis.

这是女子体操队。This is a girls gymnastics team.

凯特一星期练两次体操。Kate does gymnastics twice a week.

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体操空翻动作之一。One of gymnastics somersault movements.

有氧运动和自由体操。Sports Aerobics and General Gymnastics.

女生体操选拔赛在今天举行。The girls gymnastics tryouts are today.

你上过多少体操课呢?How many of you have gymnastics lessons?

在第七张画里,一个姑娘在做体操。In Picture 7, a girl is doing gymnastics.

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但是我也喜欢篮球和体操。But I also like basketball and gymnastics.

课后我上两个小时的体操课。After class I have gymnastics for two hours.

她年轻时练过体操。When she was young she practiced gymnastics.

我们去看体操比赛吧。Let`s go to watch the gymnastics competition.

想不想看看体操是怎么回事?You want to see what gymnastics is all about?

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我喜欢体操和其他的一些室内运动。I like gymnastics and the other indoor sports.

Ellison接你下的体操课,你还记得么?Ellison picked you up from gymnastics. Do you remember?

她的自由体操动作轻盈优美。Her movements in free gymnastics are lithe and graceful.