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对专利产品的再制造是否会侵犯专利权?。Will remanufacture of patented products infringe on the patents?

绿色再制造工程是一个具有广泛发展前景的新兴的研究领域。Green remanufacture engineering is a new research field with fascinating prospects.

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昆明市海口地区企业学校改制的工作已取得了突破性的进展。The remanufacture work of the Kunming Seaport Area Enterprise Schools has made unprecedented progress.

从清洁生产和绿色制造出发,讨论了绿色维修和绿色再制造工程。Based on cleaning production and green manufacture , green maintenance and green remanufacture engineering are presented.

论述了做为一个正在形成中的绿色再制造工程学科的内涵及其组成。The connotation and constitution of green remanufacture engineering as a growing discipline, are addressed in this paper.

目前,大量失效和报废产品的再利用、再循环和再制造是迫切需要解决的问题。At present, it is urgent problem to reuse, recycling and remanufacture a large number of failure and end-of-life products.

提出了在进行再制造时,还应该考虑将报废产品的零部件经再制造加工后,用于其他类似产品的观点,拓宽了再制造的范围。The points that the parts to be remanufactured can be used for other similar product is put forward, and the field of remanufacture is opened up.

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绿色再制造工程是一个迅速发展中的新兴学科。Green remanufacture engineering is a new subject in rapid development, whose main components include design foundation and engineering technology.

机电产品的轻量化、再利用、再循环和废旧产品的再制造,对国民经济的持续发展具有重大意义。Reuse, recycle and remanufacture of electromechanical products have been significantly important to sustainable development of a nation's economy.

分析了轨道车辆关重零部件的可再制造性,并提出了初步的工艺方案。The remanufacture possibility of the key components of railway car was analyzed firstly and the preliminary technology program was also brought out.

本文介绍了再制造的概念、发展概况及发展再制造工程的意义。In this paper, the concept and developing situation of the remanufacture and the significance of developing the remanufacture engineering are introduced.

大冶特钢改制后如果不进行创新,将跟不上钢铁工业发展的步伐。If after the Daye special steel remanufacture does not carry on the innovation, will not be able to follow the iron and steel industry development the step.

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循环经济、再制造工程、逆向物流、绿色供应链和闭环供应链也因此成为当前的研究热点。So, circular economy, remanufacture engineering, reverse logistics, green supply chain and closed-loop supply chain have also become current research hotspots.

以一台数控五坐标机床技术改造为实例,采用PLC实现主轴的自动换挡。This paper applies the remanufacture for a 5-axes Numerical Control Machine as an actual example, which carries out the auto gear change of the spindle by PLC.

以期为我国社会转型背景下企业改制过程中的薪酬变革提供参考。The dissertation is expected to be the reference for payment reform in the enterprise remanufacture process during the background of society transformation in China.

为恢复零件三维点云信息,研究了一种快速系统标定方法,对柔性再制造线结构光三维扫描测量系统进行了标定。This paper studies a rapid calibration approach and calibrates the line structured-light 3D ranging system in flexible remanufacture platform based on welding robot.

针对汽车再制造工程中的实际问题,对利用JIT技术来实现汽车再制造的准时化生产进行了进一步的研究。Aim at actual problem within the automobile remanufacture engineering to make use of the technique of JIT research on producing to the automobile remanufacture on time.

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国家支持企业开展机动车零部件、工程机械、机床等产品的再制造和轮胎翻新。The State supports enterprises in carrying out the remanufacture of such products as vehicle components, engineering machinery and machine tools as well as tire retreading.

加强教育培训,提高女职工整体素质,努力开创改制企业女职工维权工作新局面。Strengthens education training, improves the working woman overall quality, founds the remanufacture enterprise working woman Uygur power to work diligently the new ball game.

根据再制造工艺加工的特点及现有工艺方案获取的不足,运用多色集合理论建立再制造工艺加工仿真模型。Based on the characters of the products remanufacture and the disadvantages of the process, we use the polychromatic sets theory to build the process planning simulation system.