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它能跟什么相关呢?What relevance could it have?

他的发言不太贴题。His speech bore little relevance.

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这些教派与达尔玛没有关联。These denominations were of no relevance.

当中最明显的,自是某些事情好像与自己没有多大关连。The most obvious, of course, is relevance.

它们仅是以关联性渐减的粗略次序排列。They are rough order of decreasing relevance.

脑科学关于瘾症的最近研究The relevance of recent addiction brain science

量子力学有太多的相关性和理由。It has about as much relevance and justification.

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这个故事最近有了姊妹篇。The tale took on new relevance recently , when Mr.

因为它与心理学息息相关。Because it has every relevance to psychology as well.

默认情况下,搜索结果按照关联性排序。By default, the search results are sorted by relevance.

我想,我们大家现在都能领会这句话中肯。I think we can all appreciate the relevance of that now.

对会计信息价值相关性的影响如何?What is the impaction on accounting information relevance?

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但是状态肌群又和太极拳有什么关系呢?But what is the relevance of postural muscles to Taijiquan?

添加了更多更符合美国海军陆战队的战术和程序。Significantly more relevance to usmc tactics and procedures.

这使我们的工作变得很重要并具有普遍意义。This makes our work matter and gives us universal relevance.

戏曲的音乐与文辞之间具有高度的相关性。Opera music and diction between the high degree of relevance.

你感觉希波克拉底誓言在2001年的当下是适当的么?What do you feel is the Hippocratic Oath's relevance in 2001?

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更棒的是这还很适合早期的真核细胞。Even more pleasing is its relevance to early eukaryotic cells.

本文论述了个人习语与翻译两者之间的关系。This paper deals with the relevance of idiolect to translation.

与我们身处的亚洲又有甚么关系?And, because we live here, what relevance does it have for Asia?