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每个人都可能会轮换,包括帕托。Everyone will be able to rest in turns, including Pato.

我希望我和帕托都有更多在国家队踢球的机会。I hope that me and Pato play more for the national side.

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“他依然是我的偶像,”帕托说。“他是一个伟大的朋友。”"He is still my idol, " said Pato. "He is a great friend.

我要提醒各位的是帕托还是非欧盟球员,他还未满18周岁。I remind everyone that Pato is a non-EU and is not yet 18 years-old.

我们将在周五对毕尔巴鄂竞技的友谊赛中看见帕托?Will we see Pato in action in Friday's friendly against Athletic Bilbao?

但是,明天我们还会给帕托做一次全面的身体评估。However, today for Pato we shall make a better evaluation on his conditions.

斯特罗内先拔头筹,但是帕托和小罗在5分钟之内便连进两球,反超比分。Stellone opened the score, but Pato and Ronaldinho followed suit in 5 minutes.

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我也为内斯塔和帕托从伤病中康复并有良好的表现而高兴。I am also glad that Nesta and Pato recovered from injury and performed very well.

国际队前锋亚历山大-帕托将在下周决定自己的未来。Internacional striker Alexandre Pato is set to decide his future within the next week.

“伊布和帕托必须一起努力踢好并保持专注。”他最后说。"Ibra and Pato must play for the best together and remain concentrated," he concluded.

巴西主教练邓加认为米兰新星帕托是“新罗纳尔多”。Brazil coach Dunga has declared AC Milan youngster Alexandre Pato as the 'new Ronaldo'.

蒂亚戈-席尔瓦和帕托出现在巴西新主帅马诺-梅内塞斯的首期队伍中。The new coach Mano Menezes has included Milan's Thiago Silva and Pato in his first squad.

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但是帕托并不认为自己是个球星,而且他认为自己还有很多东西要学习和提高。But Pato does not feel that he is a big star yet, adding that he still has a lot to learn.

另有六名米兰球员榜上有名,其中包括年轻的帕托和阿迪亚。Other six Milan players in the standings, and amongst the young players we find Pato and Adiyiah.

帕托给了球队纵深,给了我们技术,他是队内唯一拥有这些特点的。Pato gives us depth, he gives us skill, he is the only player in the squad with these characteristics.

本菲卡和AC米兰都与帕托联系在了一起,但切尔西更希望能把他招至队中。The likes of Benfica and Milan have been linked with Pato but Chelsea are keen to snap him up quickly.

从这方面讲,帕托是一块璞玉,仍需雕琢,而舍瓦就是最好的工匠。In this regard, Pato is a piece of jade, still need to cut and polish, and Sheva is the best craftsmen.

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然而他的同胞帕托和迭戈在他现在的困难期给予了他很大的支持。However, compatriots Alexandre Pato and Diego have offered their support to him at this difficult moment.

当米兰新星帕托抵达马尔彭萨机场的时候,摄像师,还有记者们把他团团围住。Photographers and journalists mobbed Alexandre Pato as Milan's new star touched down at Malpensa Airport.

当被问到前往米兰的问题时,西德尼承认他与帕托讨论过此事。When questioned about talk of a move to Milan, Sidnei admitted that he and Pato had discussed the subject.