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为什么要扣日费?Why to deduct our day rate?

从所得款项中扣除付予上述代理人。From Proceeds deduct to be paid to above Agent.

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一旦扣除你的费用,就什么也没有了。Once you deduct your expenses,there is nothing left.

尽情演绎人间的一切美好事物。Deduct all of the goodliness things as much as one likes.

我们请求你方从发票中扣除我们的佣金。We request you to deduct our commission from the invoice.

你可在我的零用钱里扣去二角五分钱。You can deduct the twenty-five cents out of my allowance.

不要从货物的价值中扣除佣金。Don’t deduct the commission from the value of the consignment.

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你可以对每一样物品扣除相当你银行抵押款一个百分点的费用。You can deduct everything from a percentage of your mortgage to bank fees.

因此,你的租金收入就得扣除相同数量的费用。By the same token, you may also deduct the same amount as a rental expense.

如果没达到最低金额标准,银行可会从你的户头扣钱。The banks may deduct money from your account when this minimum is breached.

阁下可以从户口中扣除该等佣金、收费、徵费及税项。You may deduct such commissions, charges, levies and duties from the Account.

依贸易惯例,扣除2□折扣后,奉上面额为90英镑支票一张。We send you herewith a cheque, value90have deduct the usual trade discount of2.

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我再为您补办一个新存折,您需要交10元手续费。I can reissue a new bankbook for you, but we must deduct ten yuan handling charges.

在舞步比赛中,裁判会对扭曲的步伐进行罚分。In dressage competitions, the judges deduct a fair number of points for crookedness.

好在,有没有罚去弗罗奇一分,都不影响最后的结果。Fortunately, Afu's failure to deduct a point from Froch played no role in the decision.

扣除汇款费用,非洲银行所罗门这个骗子,要我支付费用。Deduct the remittance expenses, the Bank of Africa a this lier , want I pay the expenses.

我写的上一个博客文章,263不经答应扣钱合法么?The article of guest of a rich that I write, 263 do not deduct money via allowing lawful?

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如果你的父母帮你支付了您的学生贷款,你仍然可以扣除利息。If your parents help you to pay down your student loans, you can still deduct the interest.

我们可以直接从发票金额中扣除佣金,或在付款后汇给你方。We may deduct the commission from the invoice value directly or remit it to you after payment.

如果途中你买油的话,请保留收据,我们会从你的账单中扣掉。If you buy gasoline on the way,please keep the receipt.We will deduct the amount from your bill.