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水母没有大脑。Jellyfish have no brains.

许多水母都堪称尤物。A lot of jellyfish are lookers.

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由于世界变暖,水母纷纷向北面漂游。Jellyfish swarm northward in warming world.

妳可别说服我去吃海蜇皮。Please don't talk me into eating jellyfish.

你可别说服我去吃海蜇皮。Please don't talk me into eating jellyfish.

结果她的朋友被水母踅死了。Her friend is stung by a jellyfish and dies.

水母和海星都是没脑的。Jellyfish and starfish are both have no brain.

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被水母蛰伤也可以用可口可乐来治疗。Coca Cola can be used to cure Jellyfish stings.

一只狮鬃水母正在棕藻叶上休憩。A lion's mane jellyfish nestled in a kelp frond.

箱型水母是一种高度进化的水母。Box jellies are highly advanced among jellyfish.

不要说服我去吃海蜇皮.Please don't talk me into eating this jellyfish.

海蜇的繁殖包括几个不同的阶段。Jellyfish reproduction involves several different stages.

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水母是腔肠动物部的成员。Jellyfish are free-swimming members of the phylum Cnidaria.

但是和狮鬃水母比起来,它们只能算小儿科。But they are petite compared with the lion’s mane jellyfish.

嗯,谁最快跳离这些水母,谁就赢!Mmm. Whoever can hop the fastest out of these jellyfish wins!

死去的水母漂浮在钱德尔勒尔群岛外海水域。Dead jellyfish float in the waters off the Chandeleur Islands.

但是你可能碰上海蛰或者僧帽水母。But you might run into some jellyfish or Portuguese man-of-wars.

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如果你是正确的,奥克多将用一个海星击中水母。If you are correct, Octo will hit the jellyfish with a starfish.

水母在阿拉斯加州内线冰冷的水里漂着。Jellyfish drift in the frigid waters of Alaska's Inside Passage.

被水母蛰伤也可以用可口可乐来治疗哦。I Didn’t know that Coca Cola can be used to cure Jellyfish stings.