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也没有蔷薇花蕾在附近。No rosebud is nigh.

最后审判近在眼前了。For the Last Judgment draweth nigh.

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最后审判近在面前了。For the Last Judgment draweth nigh.

对于近最后审判接近兑现。For the Last Judgement draweth nigh.

我为左边那匹马花了一大笔钱。The nigh horse cost me an arm and a leg.

面对面,沉默着,慢慢靠近连在一起。Face to face, silent, drawing nigh and nigher.

入口的通道几乎和外面一样寒冷。The entryway was nigh as cold as the air outside.

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例如无盐玉米片变得几乎无法入口。Salt-free cornflakes, for instance, would be well nigh inedible.

对吗?,但他说,你知道吗,这近乎不可能。Right? But he says, "You know what? That is well nigh impossible.

XGA高分辨率彩色图形卡是一种智能型图形适配器。XGA is an intelligent color graphics adapter with nigh resolution.

你所行的道要离他远,不可就近他的房门。Remove thy way far from her, and come not nigh the door of her house

接近无敌腰带失败可能下降。The "Nigh Invulnerability Belt" now has a smaller chance of failure.

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两个邻居夜以继日地斗气,斗了有40年。Two neighbors had been fighting each other for nigh on four decades.

当向上主祈求,预备祂的路,因时间已近。Raise, raise your prayers on high. Prepare His way, the time is nigh.

时候不早了,是该和我们的过去做个了结了。或许,我们的未来还指望着它呢。Time is nigh to reckon with our past. Our future just might depend on it.

在那里山坡上,有一大群猪吃食。Now there was there nigh unto the mountains a great herd of swine feeding.

繁荣已经结束,灾难再次流行,而且对许多人来说,这似乎已是终点。The boom over, calamity is in vogue once more and to many the end seems nigh.

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他们在岸上停留了有一个星期光景,我们这些人呆在老‘瓦鲁斯’号上。They was ashore nigh on a week, and us standing off and on in the old WALRUS.

他们在岸上停留了有一个星期光景,我们这些人呆在老‘瓦鲁斯’号上。They were ashore nigh on a week, and us standing off and on in the old Walrus.

无论过去还是现在,总有一个宗教狂热份子宣称末日就要来临了。Every now and then a prominent religious zealot proclaims that the end is nigh.