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联合国每年都召开大会吗?Does the UN convene every year?

俱乐部将于十月开会。The club will convene in October.

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国会将于明天下午三点钟开会。The Diet will convene at 3p. m. tomorrow.

可能会每个星期召集他们一次。We'd convene probably at least every week.

我们会召集最高职位的官员。We'd convene some of the most senior members.

为什么为耳在船上召开一个军事法庭?Why does Vere convene a court-martial aboard ship?

那些想去的到校门口等候。Those who want to go should convene at the gate of the school.

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召开学术研讨会,探求杨公风水的真缔。Convene a seminar, investigate the true Di of Yang Gong's geomancy.

逐渐伤愈的余向秋召集游击队众人开会。Gradually from the autumn to convene a meeting of the guerrillas the people.

我们所有人聚会的那块地方是我们住宅附近的一片小树林。The spot where we could all convene was a small wooded patch near our houses.

每天下午,伯尔尼城的居民集合在克拉姆街西头。Every afternoon, the townspeople of Berne convene at the west end of Kramgasse.

今年十月我们党要召开十三大。In October of this year our Party will convene its Thirteenth National Congress.

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足球强国聚集南非参加为期一个月的国际足联世界杯。Soccer’s best nations convene in South Africa for the month-long FIFA World Cup.

在产品设计初期,我们会专门召开设计审查会议。In the early time of product design, we will wholly convene a checkup meeting for it.

拥有47个成员国的人权委员会将在星期五举行特别会议。The 47-nation Human Rights Council in Geneva will convene the special session on Friday.

他会请他的政策顾问们召集某个领域的顶级专家参加晚餐会。He would ask his policy advisers to convene the top experts in a given field for a dinner.

国会将分散两党竖坐一个减少赤字的委员会,但一样阐扬没有了甚么熏染冲动。And Congress will convene a bi-partisan deficit cutting commission that won't do much either.

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想要参加数学竞赛的人被召集到这里来上培训课程。People who want to take part in the math competion are convene here to take a training course.

最后,巴拉克∙奥巴马总统将召集11月12日至13日举行的亚太经合组织经济领导人会议。Finally, President Barack Obama will convene the APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting, November 12-13.

经三分之一以上董事提议,可由董事长召开董事会临时会议。The chairman may convene interim board meetings on motion of one-third or more of the directors.