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济慈所作之诗虽简洁却不失为壮丽。Keats sang briefly but gloriously.

天空又一声巨响,心锁又闪亮退场!I entered gloriously with blare in the sky.

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戴着金色的头盔,顶着光荣的冠冕。Have golden casques to crown them gloriously.

在性上不能催促,但是他们本身诱惑力十足。You cannot rush them in sex but they are gloriously seductive.

波托菲诺海湾是华丽海岸线上的一块宝石。Portofino is the jewel of an already gloriously embellished coastline.

祷告神的国度荣耀地降临在沙乌地阿拉伯如同在天上。Pray for God's Kingdom to come gloriously to Saudi Arabia as it is in Heaven.

这是一条一身华丽毛皮的大狼,却又与其他所有的狼不像。It is a great, gloriously coated wolf, like, and yet unlike, all other wolves.

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我想像我父亲那样在战斗中建功立业,难道错了吗?Is it wrong to want to distinguish myself gloriously in combat as my father did?

努力为之,虽败犹荣,然后获得所有人的尊敬Trying something, failing gloriously at it, and then getting everybody's admiration.

球美妙的弧线绕过了鲁伊兹和伸展开双手的切赫。The ball arced gloriously past the full-back, over Luiz and Cech's out-stretched hand.

它是高天军旅的灯塔,在天空照耀。Being an instrument of the armies on high, shining gloriously in the Armament of heaven.

喝下这耀眼的金色美酒,您会感到一种美妙的温和贯通全身。When you drink the gloriously golden wine, a sensuously smooth will pass through your Body.

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他们召开了纪念大会纪念在战争中光荣牺牲的战士。They held a commemoration meeting to remember those fighters who had died gloriously in the war.

足证恐怖主义对于争取自由之民族,不能毁其精神。They proved gloriously that terrorism cannot destroy the spirit of a people determined to be free.

鲁道夫急切地听着,这音乐叫他大为倾倒,眼睛盯着那吹小号的黑人。Rudolph leaned forward intently, gloriously battered by the music, his eyes glued on the Negro trumpeter.

在轻快地丰富的6声道环绕声的DVD音频,贝克尔的礼物是可以发光光荣。In the briskly rich 6-channel surround sound of DVD-Audio, Becker's gifts are allowed to shine gloriously.

虽然它转得很慢,但是你可以欣赏到伦敦无比壮丽的景观。Although it's an excruciatingly slow flight, you'll be rewarded with gloriously unimpeded views over London.

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昌黎,这颗镶嵌在渤海之滨的明珠,将以更加璀璨妩媚的风采,恭迎八方游客的到来!A pearl shining gloriously at Bohai Sea coast, Changli will offer its visitors more splendid tours and wonderful holidays.

长久以来,人们一直在为王尔德洗涮罪名。可是,在这本书里,莫伊尔也同样成功地为他的妻子赢回名誉。Wilde's reputation has long since been restored. In her wonderful book, Moyle resets the balance, gloriously. " -The Times".

弗洛斯特不仅是一个格律诗人,他还有力推动了格律的发展,使格律强调话语和思想的精妙背景。Frost was not only a metrist but a poet who gloriously manhandled meter, making it stress fine shadings of speech and thought.