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不赔不赚。You break even.

看得我汗死了Give me a break.

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你的手臂断了吗?Did you break it?

打破常规。Break the routine.

休息一下。Let's take a break.

我们应该分手。We nee to break up.

你能找开吗?。Can you break that ?

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你如何提出分手?How do you break up?

我会打断他的狗腿。I'll break his legs.

把那房子拆了。Break down the house.

不要击碎我的心。Don't break my heart.

伤透媚兰的心?Break Melanie's heart?

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它会碎或是会洒吗?Can it break or spill?

我能把它掰成两半I can break it in two.

我想我们分手吧。I want us to break up.

那么是时候歇一歇了。It's time for a break.

你需要休息一下吗?-不。You feel a break? -No.

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捅破那堵墙!Break through the wall!

我能打烂墙吗?。Could I break the wall?

我只要俯下身去,就折不断。I bend and I break not.