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我们能做的恐怕只有释怀。I'm afraid sth have been primitively programmed.

但是对于男人而言,欢爽的问题被提出是更加自然。But the question of jouissance is posed more primitively for the man.

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所有原始键入的资料将引用为注册资料。All enters primitively the material will quote to register the material.

每个假设单个的看似乎是相当和情合理的,从而好象根本就是现而易见的。Each of these assumptions, by itself, was so plausible as to seem primitively obvious.

生命就在原始直到有一天电话被带进村子。Life went on primitively until the day when the telephone was brought into the village.

这样的文明远没有田野里的原始让人亲切得舒服。Such civilization does not have in the field to let the human far be much kinder primitively.

在对数据分析的基础上,初步验证了微切削中的尺度效应理论。Based on analyzing the data, the theories of scaling effect in micro-machining were validated primitively.

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同时我公司在国内率先设立专门的设备责任保险机制。Simultaneously Our company primitively set up the special equipment liability insurance mechanism in China.

博客传入中国是在2002年,六年来的种种博客事件引发了公众在诸多学科领域对博客进行的思考。Blog primitively spread to China in 2002, six year's events about blog bring numerous thinking on many scientific fields.

通过将哥特符码置于美国历史发展的场景中,这种场景也就成为美国被压抑的历史记忆的民族叙事。Shengguantu game primitively was a kind of traditional gambling game, which later had gradually become a folk narrative poem.

由于润滑油脂每次发放的数量不像燃油那么多,以前的油脂发放往往采用原始的人工发放方式。Because the quantity of the lubrication oil-fat is much less than the fuel oil, the oil-fat always been provided by hands primitively.

在这遮俊掩丑中,你就是你,仿佛天与地混沌成蛋壳,人类又堕落回原始。Obstructs in this handsome covers in the clown, you are you, as if the day and the place chaos become the egg shell, the humanity degenerates primitively.

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第六部分总结了本次研究的成果,展望了本研究成果的应用前景,以及对后续研究的方向和挑战做了初步的思考。The sixth section summarizes the productions of this research, views the application prospects of the productions and primitively thinks of the following research directions and challenges.

他肯定因果观念是人类为了掌握和利用世界,为了保存种族所必须的虚构,是原始的宗教思维的替代者。Nietzsche confirms the causality as the method to control and utilize the world. Causality is the falsification to preserve the species and has replaced primitively religion thought historically.

本文也从教师、家长、情境、说故事与语言等五个层面,对于幼儿园所的多元文化教育实践,提出初步的建议。There are five suggestions of multicultural education of preschool primitively in the writing, including teacher's cognition, parent participation, classroom situation, story-telling, and language.