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苔原地带的艰苦生活能作为杀婴行为的借口吗?Would life in the tundra justify infanticide?

杀女婴跟胚胎再吸收是现在研究的范围。Female infanticide and fetal resorption are active areas of study.

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实际上在那些被描绘为暴力文化的国家,弑婴现象有所减少。Infanticide actually decreases in countries characterized by a culture of violence.

禁止溺婴、弃婴和其他残害婴儿的行为。It shall be forbidden to drown or desert infants or commit any kind of infanticide.

新的证据证明弑婴在罗马帝国是常见的现象。New evidence strengthens the belief that infanticide was common in the Roman Empire.

在独生子女政策实施的起步阶段,这有时意味着杀死女婴。In the earliest days of the one-child policy, this sometimes meant female infanticide.

其中女婴的死亡数又是男婴的两倍,这至少表明存在着一些杀婴的行为。About twice as many infant girls seem to have died as boys, suggesting at least some infanticide.

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这些发现和越来越多的证据表明弑婴现象在罗马帝国很常见。The findings add to the growing body of evidence that infanticide was common in the Roman Empire.

而在出现弑婴现象的地方,尸体年龄分布十分统一地集中在将满月的婴儿上。At places where infanticide occurred, the age distribution is more uniform, corresponding to full-term infancy.

妁彤与天娜要求隽烨把控罪由谋杀改为杀婴罪,韵诗认罪。Follows tong and Tina asked our Ye changed the charges of murder to infanticide sin blank verse pleaded guilty.

结果就是男性过剩,因为女性杀婴以及因为疏忽而过量的女性死亡。The result has long been a surplus of men, because of female infanticide or excess female deaths through neglect.

禁止溺婴、弃婴和其他残害婴儿的行为。Infant drowning, deserting and any other acts causing serious harm to infants and infanticide shall be prohibited.

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溺婴的,依照刑法第一百三十二条的规定追究刑事责任。Whoever commits infanticide shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with the provisions in Article 132 of the Criminal Law.

由于少量的婴儿骨骼显示出了死因,Mays和Eyers使用间接法考察在Hambleden弑婴的可能性。Since few infant skeletons show evidence of cause of death, Mays and Eyers used an indirect method to investigate possible infanticide at Hambleden.

清代江西民间盛行的童养主要是贫家针对溺女而采取的一种最常用的自我拯救方法。In Qing Dynasty, folk infant adopting was popular in Jiangxi, which was a general self saving measure taken by the poor in order to avoid infanticide.

从政策推广以来一直是有争议的,有些人们谴责堕胎,绝育及杀婴数量的增加,而且也指责中国的性别差异。From the beginning the program was controversial, criticized for boosting abortions, sterilizations and infanticide. It is also blamed for China's gender gap.

数据显示了该地区新生女婴和男婴比例的惊人提升,德里曾是印度次大陆弑杀女婴最严重的地区。The figures showed a startling jump in the ratio of girls to boys in a region that has had one of the worst records for female infanticide in the subcontinent.

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文章通过对溺婴行为的界定分析了溺婴的原因及产生的社会后果,并对如何抑制这种现象作了进一步的探讨。In this paper, we analyze the causes and consequences of the infanticide by the definition of infanticide, and we go further into how to control the infanticide.

其中的方法是禁止早婚、把两性分隔开来、严格遵从贞洁和独身的生活方式、避孕、流产和杀婴等。Among those were prohibitions of early marriage, separation of the sexes, a high esteem for chaste and celibate lifestyles, contraception, abortion, and infanticide.

更令人担忧的是,患双相障碍的妇女更容易得上产后精神疾病,其可能性是一般妇女的100倍——极端情况是,产妇的严重情绪障碍可导致婴儿夭折。Even more alarming, bipolar women are 100 times more likely than other women to experience postpartum psychosis, a severe mood disorder that, at its very worst, can result in infanticide.