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不礼貌可能触犯他人。I would never wittingly offend him.

强纳生因为存心伤害弟弟而受到惩罚。Jonathan was punished for hurting his younger brother wittingly.

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新东方和狄邦否认他们容忍和纵容这种代写文书等一系列申请欺诈行为。New Oriental and Dipont deny condoning or wittingly engaging in application fraud.

对于爱你的那一个人,你亦已有意无意地给了他很多负担。Love you for the person you have wittingly or unwittingly given him a lot of burdens.

他宣布有意如何烈酒下跌,如果需要的话,其原因就他自己的秋天。He will declare wittingly how the Spirits fell, if desired, and the reason of his own fall.

每天,无论是有意还是无意,我们都会和周围的人有无数的联系。Every day, wittingly or unwittingly, we make a myriad of connections with people around the world.

这些触发可能有意无意地来自欺负者、或我们的朋友和同事。These triggers can come wittingly or unwittingly from our adversaries or from our friends and colleagues.

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无论自觉与否,在与中国接触的问题上,西方企业成了最强有力的倡导者。Wittingly or otherwise, western business has become the most powerful advocate for engagement with China.

而且还得承认,确实是障碍重重,这个障碍有些是有意识的,有些是无意识。But we should also admit that there really are obstacles a number of which though not all are created wittingly.

1999年中短篇小说创作对这一课题作了自觉、不自觉的艺术呈现。The writers of stories and novelettes in 1999 wittingly or unwittingly make an artistic presentation of this theme.

望子成龙是所有母亲的梦想,可惜常常事与愿违,期望值越高,失望越大。Wittingly is the dream of all mothers, but often desires, the higher the expectation, the greater the disappointment.

从上文得知锡度仁波切组织已经有意或者无意地进入中国的掌控之中。It would appear from the above that Tai Situ Rinpoche group had wittingly or unwittingly played into the hands of the Chinese.

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此申请表所填资料正确属实,并无故意隐瞒或删改任何实情。I declare that all information finished in this application in true and that I have not wittingly suppressed any material fact.

目前,全球经济体,不管大小,都在打一场“货币贬值”大战。胜者盈利。Everybody, some more wittingly than others, is playing the game of competitive devaluation. Picking the winner could be a route to profits.

它们可以要么有意安装的一个人,其中有一个连接你的电脑,或者是一个组成部分,一个病毒或任何其他程序。They can be either wittingly installed by a person, which has an access to your computer, or be a component part of a virus or any other program.

作者认为方法论可以很好地结合行为来展现人们是如何有意或无意地建立和保持他们感兴趣的特定的社会范围。He finds methods that get close enough to behavior to show how people wittingly or unwittingly build and maintain their social worlds of particular interest.

当前我们用“文明”二字指代人类社会的历史时,我们事实上是在有意无意地进行文化洽谈。When we choose to apply the word "civilization" to a human society of the past, we are often playing a role, wittingly or no, in a process of cultural negotiation.