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谐音是汉语里一种普遍存在的语言现象。Homophony is a phenomenon widely existed in Chinese.

谐音作为一种具有汉民族文化特色的修辞手段,与汉文化的关系极为密切。As a culture-centered feature in Chinese rhetoric, homophony is closely related to Chinese culture.

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他在浪漫派这一主调音乐盛行的时期,特例独行地沉浸于复调音乐创作天地。He preferred counterpoint music writing that being very special in the period of Romantic, which homophony been dominated.

而主调音乐思维和写作技法同复调音乐交缘,正是获得此创新成果的途径。The composer used the homophony thoughts and technique with the counterpoint music, which was the way to obtain the new result of innovation.

本文描写湖南汨罗长乐方言音系,主要包括长乐方言的声韵调及其特点、长乐方言同音字汇。The paper describes the phonological system and its features of Changle dialect in Miluo county, Hunan province and lists its homophony syllabary.

本文介绍江西省武宁县礼溪话的声韵调、音韵特点和同音字汇。The paper describes the phonological system and its features, and lists its homophony syllabary of Lixi dialect in Wuning County, Jiangxi province.

介绍江西省井冈山市砻市镇方言的声韵调、音韵特点和同音字汇。The paper describes the phonological system and its features, and lists its homophony syllabary of Longshii dialect in Jinggangshan County, Jiangxi province.

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本文描写了陕西安康汉滨区牛蹄乡赣语方言岛的语音系统,列出了同音字汇。This article describes the phonological system and its features of Gan dialect in Hanbin district, the city of Ankang, Shaanxi providence and lists the homophony syllabify.

随着和谐社会成为我国战略机遇期的社会主调,和谐校园理应成为校园建设的目标。Harmonious campus shall become the goal of university development along with the harmonious society becoming the homophony of our society during this favorable strategic phase.

从汉文化对谐音的影响研究和谐音对汉文化的影响研究等方面,就20年来有关谐音与汉文化关系的研究加以梳理和阐释,并指出其中尚需改进的问题与不足。An analysis is made of the 20 years' researches on the relationship between homophony and Chinese culture, and some problems and shortcomings are raised for further improvement.

本文介绍广西东部贺州市八步区鹅塘镇“八都话”的语音系统,与中古音作简略比较,并列出同音字汇。The paper introduces the phonology of Badu Tuhua in Etang, Babu district, Hezhou city, Guangxi Autonomous Region, which is compares it with the MC phonology, and lists its homophony syllabary.