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师者,传道,授业,解惑也。Teacher, preach, teach, dispel doubt also.

但PTZ发布招标后,传闻不攻自破。But PTZ issue a tender, dispel speculation.

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浓睡不消残酒.Sound sleep did not dispel the taste of wine.

到医院祛除脂肪瘤会留痕吗?Can you leave mark to hospital dispel lipoma ?

我不哭,风和日丽终会驱散漫天雨雾!I don't cry, sunny will dispel Whirling cloud!

师者,传道授业解惑也。Teacher, preach to teach to dispel doubt also.

我试著取悦神祇,驱赶恶魔。I tried to propitiate gods and to dispel demons.

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手术祛除脸上的痔麻烦吗?Is the naevus on operation dispel face troublesome?

怎样祛除天生的鸡皮身子?How the gallinaceous skin body with inherent dispel?

首先,让我们为生奶一些常见的误解辟谣。First, let's dispel some common myths about raw milk.

整容手术中的祛眼袋是永久性的吗?Is the dispel pouch in face-lifting operation permanent?

最重要的是,我们必须消除关于水战争的神话。Most importantly, we must dispel the myth of water wars.

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能够明目、解毒、祛湿。Can improve eyesight, the disintoxicating, to dispel wet.

祛除毛发、毛囊炎和人体多余的体毛。Dispel hair, folliculitis and surplus hear of human body.

整形医院里祛痔,多少钱一颗?Naevus of the dispel in plastic hospital, how many money?

成功骰能对抗试图解除这个防护的试图。Successes are used to combat attempts to dispel the shield.

但80岁的默多克试图打消外界的传闻。But, the 80-year-old Mr. Murdoch sought to dispel such ideas.

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有没有祛除眼睛浮肿的方法?方便一点的。Have the method of dispel eye dropsy ? A bit more convenient.

任何东西都无法驱散那些冷漠观众的困倦。Nothing could dispel the torpidity of the indifferent audience.

我首先要消除一些谣言,免得误人子弟。Now let me dispel a few rumors so they don't fester into facts.