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这里有逊尼-什叶教派的恶性互斗。We have a vicious Sunni-Shia sectarian strife.

随着信条的转变,少数人像七分枝蜡烛台一样民族化和派系化。As symbols go, few are as national and sectarian as the menorah.

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它依赖于派系斗争、松懈的政策以及反西方的仇恨主义。It feeds on sectarian strife, lax policing and anti-Western hatred.

Punjab南部地区作为圣战组织和派别活动的中心而声名狼藉。Southern Punjab is a notorious hub of sectarian and jihadi activity.

自私偏狭者以为他能将沧海之水全部舀进自己的池塘。The sectarian thinks that he has the sea ladled into his private pond.

马利基说,这个时机不该被用作为政治或宗派报复的机会。He said the occasion must not be used for political or sectarian revenge.

使得这个团体成为教派主义团体的是,我们有非常明确的界限。This--what made this group a sectarian group was we had very firm boundaries.

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比方说我是在德克萨斯的,一个非常宗派性的原教旨主义教会长大的。For example,I grew up in a very,very sectarian fundamentalist church in Texas.

一种普遍性的疾病,是需要普遍性而非宗派性的疗方。It is a universal malady which requires a universal remedy, not a sectarian one.

到目前为止,伊拉克正在上演的暴力不会很快指向这样的宗派和平。So far, the ongoing violence in Iraq doesn't point to such sectarian peace soon.

公开承认各方都对平息教派暴力负有责任。Publicly acknowledge all parties are responsible for quelling sectarian violence.

在多年的宗派暴力之后,伊拉克再也不能承受如此危险的游戏。After years of sectarian violence, Iraq cannot afford to play such dangerous games.

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伊拉克强横不羁,教派林立,占主导地位的是许多骨子里反美的力量。It's a tough, sectarian system with many deeply anti-American forces in ascendancy.

政府和反对派互相指控对方煽动宗派暴力。Both the government and opposition accuse each other of encouraging sectarian violence.

结束一切形式的宗派主义和所有教派的恐吓,袭击和杀害。An end to all forms of sectarianism and all sectarian intimidation, attacks and killings.

换句话说,我从约翰一书中读到的,就代表了一种激进的教派主义的团体。In other words,what I'm reading in 1 John is representing again a radical sectarian group.

基地组织策划了很多爆炸事件,煽动派系之间的暴力活动。Al-Qaida in Iraq was behind many of the bombings in a drive to escalate sectarian violence.

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在这段期间,这个国家的政治家们也没有因为不同的宗教信仰而被暴力冲突分裂成各个集团。And for the time being the country's politics is not riven violently along sectarian lines.

五位部长指责什叶派领导的政府具有他们称的宗教偏袒。The ministers blamed what they called the sectarian favouritism of the Shia-led government.

马利基希望改变伊拉克政治暴力和引起教派纷争的格局。Mr Maliki had hoped to change the violent and divisively sectarian nature of Iraqi politics.