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你不服从,迫使我这方面更坚定了。Your recalcitrance obliges firmness on my part.

他们谴责内塔尼亚胡的顽抗。They chastise Mr Netanyahu for his recalcitrance.

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盖茨发现他们顽固不化同样感到沮丧。Gates found their recalcitrance equally frustrating.

七叶树种子是顽拗性种子,对脱水高度敏感。Chinese buckeye seeds are recalcitrance which are of high desiccation-sensitivity.

他们列举了新数据,强调指出该公司抗拒改善危险条件的行为。They cited new data highlighting the company’s recalcitrance in correcting dangerous conditions.

有时候,福莱可以很执拗,看来是部分地继承了约翰·弗莱查尔德的顽固不化。At times, Ms. Foley can be obstinate, apparently having inherited some of John Fairchild's recalcitrance.

然而,该发现并不代表部分矫形外科医生对这种改变的反抗。This finding, however, may not represent recalcitrance on the part of orthopaedic surgeons to embrace change.

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我想说,相对于其它发达国家,美国在此事件上的抵触反映出两反面事实。I would add here that America's recalcitrance relative to the rest of the rich world reflects two things about the United States.

这些年,进步和顽固立场之间既对立又紧密的辩证关系让我们中的很多人瞠目结舌。The prickly but familiar dialectical relationship of progress and recalcitrance have left many of us cross-eyed through the years.

昂山素姬总是主张非暴力抵抗,但她的抵抗在国际上享有的盛名,比她的逆来顺受要大得多。Suu Kyi has always advocated non-violent resistance, but is internationally renowned for her recalcitrance rather than her compliance.

这类行动极可能进一步造成隔阂,使我们本应努力解决的问题更加复杂,并增加中方的抵触情绪。Most likely, such actions would further divide us, complicating the issues we should be working on and magnifying Chinese recalcitrance.

这些炸药对生态环境和人体都有毒性,在自然环境中不易降解。Such explosives are xenobiotic compounds, being toxic to biological systems, and their recalcitrance leads to persistence in the environment.

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但他们没有重复伯格斯滕先生对于中国人“拒不服从”的批评,他们认为,“没有一个强有力的G2,G20将无所作为”。Though they did not repeat Mr Bergsten's criticism of Chinese "recalcitrance", they said that "without a strong G2, the G20 will disappoint".

在出现政治领袖拒绝接受选举结果的情况时,非常需要有一个能够抵制那种力量的强大和独立的司法机制。If a political leader refuses to accept the election returns, a strong, independent judiciary capable of resisting that recalcitrance is crucial.

根据初步推测·在倍受苏军最高统帅部关注的某地域,德军正在调整部署准备进行最后的顽抗。According to initial speculation Beishou Soviet Supreme Command in a certain area of concern, the Germans are preparing for the final adjustment of the recalcitrance of the deployment.