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实例证明,此方法简单、方便和有效。It was proved briefness, expedience and efficiency.

需要所至无法律,而”为目的不择手段”经常是一种需要。Necessity has no law, and expedience is often one form of necessity.

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该系统在使用中具有广泛性、高效性、使用方便性和可扩展性。This system has universality, expedience to use, and expansibility in practice.

战争的私利就是给美军的毒品交易和黑手党的同志打开大门。The expedience of war opened the doors to American drug traffic and Mafia domination.

没有正义的和平是暴政,无论你怎样费尽心机地为它裹上糖衣。And peace without justice is tyranny, no matter how you may sugarcoat it with expedience.

通过这个实例可以体会到使用语义对象模型设计数据库的方便与直观。This example shows the expedience and intuition of designing the database with the semantic object model.

一开始草坪是特权的象征,逐渐发展成为价值分享达到表述,然后变为有争议的便捷。What began as a symbol of privilege and evolved into an expression of shared values has now come to represent expedience.

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经济上的权宜和低收入水平决定了受大量补贴的公共交通部门的主导地位。Economic expedience and low wage levels in general dictated the predominance of a heavily subsidized public transport sector.

我从没见亨廷顿做过任何骗人的或是恶意的事情,也从没见他为了权力或后门或方便而牺牲他的原则。I never saw Sam Huntington do anything deceitful or malicious, never saw him sacrifice his principles for power or access or expedience.

它的方便性在于,既易于经商又易于居住,又适应了岭南湿热多雨气候,建筑形式上是中西合璧。It is the integration of eastern and western . its expedience lies in easy trade and easy habitation and adaptability to rainy torrid climate.

但是,他们并没有意识到现在的病人宁可接受这样的一点风险来换取相互的交流。However, they fail to recognize that today's patients may actually be willing to accept the risk of potential breach of privacy in exchange for expedience of communication.

上周二,英国中右派政党保守党与中间派小党自由民主党在大选无果后达成协定,组建联合政府,此举被批评人士称为短期联合掌权的权宜之计。The centre-right Conservatives and smaller centrist Liberal Democrats agreed on Tuesday on what critics call an unstable partnership of expedience after an inconclusive election.