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我的律师的佣金是每小时130美元。家政公司价格。My lawyer's hourly fee is 130 dollars.

许多人是按钟点计酬。Many people are paid on an hourly basis.

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以小时计费很好的弥补了双方的短板。Hourly billing serves both of these ends.

请包括投资组合和你的时薪。Please include portfolio and your hourly rate.

我们打算把一部分车位按小时收费租出去。We plan to rent some of them out at the hourly rates.

该方案提供了每小时和四分之一每小时编钟。The program provides hourly and quarter-hourly chimes.

哥辞掉了办公室的工作,现在一个小时能拿98美刀。I quit my office-job and now I am getting paid 98 usd hourly.

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如今是寄住在朋友家的寒酸小时工。Today is lodged at a friends house the shabby hourly workers.

当拿计时工资的工人产生错误时,会造成成本。When an hourly employee makes a mistake, it could cost money.

每隔一小时,科学家们都会测试他们是否清醒、操作技能如何。They were tested hourly for either wakefulness or motor skills.

也许他想试试在社保局的帮助下,能寻找到一个以时计薪的工作,来缓解经济拮据的状态。He might try to get some kind of hourly job to help make ends meet.

我雇了一个小时工,每星期来帮我打扫一次厨房。I've hired an hourly worker to help me clean my kitchen once a week.

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请你最好的出价,并告知我们的支持时薪。Please make your best bid, and inform us an hourly rate for support.

专家建议防晒霜应该每小时都小时都重新重新涂抹。Experts advise that sunscreen should be reapplied on an hourly basis.

虽然美国经济还在增长,以小时计算的薪水却在扁平化中。Even though the American economy kept growing, hourly wages flattened.

周日有从曼哈顿亚裔社区开往博物馆的小型公共汽车,每小时一班。On Sundays a minibus leaves hourly from the Asia Society in Manhattan.

但并非所有家长都能负担得起像sylvan中心开出的小时费率。But not all parents can afford the hourly rates at centers like Sylvan.

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他说,网站每小时都在更新,“我们有所需的各种设备。He said the website was updated hourly. "We have all the tools we need.

车主可以随时定出租金率而后由公司来购买保险。Owners decide hourly rental rate and the companies cover the insurance.

还有人算出了,他一个小时能挣多少钱?Somebody else figured out, how much does he get paid on an hourly basis?