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医疗船方面有点小问题。There are minor problems with Medivac.

医疗运输机是极具争议的护士的替代品。The Medivac Dropship was the controversial replacement to the Medic.

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医疗运输机的治疗效果可比母巢之战里的护士强多了。Medivac Dropships heal much faster than Medics from StarCraft Brood War.

医疗运输机有一点小问题,有时好使有时不好使。There are minor problems with Medivac. It works but after some time it stops.

这是医疗运输机,我们已经花了一周左右的时间来测试这个单位。It's the "Medivac Dropship" and it's something we have been playing with for a week or so.

事实上,空降舱的作用和医疗运输船非常相似,而且相比之下医疗运输船的效果明显要更好。The role of the drop pod fit very closely with what Medivac Dropships already do even better.

医疗运输机处于后期科技位置,那人族步兵在早期到中期是否因此而变得比其他两族要弱?With the Medivac being a late-game tech, are Terran infantry impaired against the other two races in early to mid-game?

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我们在10天前的更新12中提到过,当然在做更新8的那段时间我们就讨论过医疗机的问题。We posted 10 days ago in Update 12 that there are problems and just before Patch 8 there was some discussion about Medivac.

同时,医疗运输机提升了运输效率,因为没有护士来占用额外的位置了。The Medivac Dropship improves the effectiveness of drops because you are essentially dropping Medics too at no extra charge.

此外,运输船的医疗功能会鼓励你建造比较多的运输船,这也提升了整个部队的机动力。Furthermore, Medivac Dropships offer more incentive to build lots of Dropships, which translate to more mobility for their entire army.

这是我喜欢的技能之一,它能把有医疗运输机在后面不停刷血的机枪兵打得跟狗一样。This is one of my favorite abilities, it really wrecks mass Marines which are quite a force to be reckoned with at the moment with Medivac support.

医疗运输机,与加强了的机枪兵配合,形成了毁灭性的组合。这项策略是我用来击败别人的最常用的一个。The Medivac Dropship, combined with enhanced Marine, makes for a devastating combination. This strategy was the most common one that I used to defeat people.