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我跌下去了。I fell down.

他倒下的地方。Where he fell.

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大雪纷飞。Heavy snows fell.

山洞崩塌了。The cave fell in.

屋顶垮了。The roof fell in.

那狗倒地而死。The dog fell dead.

那面红旗倒了。The red flag fell.

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是的,我跌下去了。Yeah, I fell down.

我的双膝跪到在地。I fell to my knees.

他的马腿跛了。His horse fell lame.

军队土崩瓦解了。The army fell apart.

于是他昏倒了。And he fell fainting.

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我的食欲减退了。My appetite fell off.

我对工作很来气。I fell crabby at work.

他用步枪射倒撂六只老虎。Six fell to his rifle.

杂活落到了他的头上。The chore fell to him.

打算落了空。The plan fell through.

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他们开始沉思默想。They fell to thinking.

他跌入水中。He fell into the water.

我摔倒了并受了伤。I fell and hurt myself.