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他是我们公司的持股者。He is a shareholder in our company.

甚至连摩洛哥的王室也是他们的股东。Even the royal family of Morocco is a shareholder.

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威望迪将成为集团最大股东。Vivendi will be the biggest shareholder in the group.

霍夫曼在IPO之后仍然是最大的股东。Hoffman remains the largest shareholder after the IPO.

然而埃克森美孚也不能无视股东的压力。But even ExxonMobil isn't immune to shareholder pressure.

Banpu在五月成为Centennial煤炭公司最大的股东。Banpu became Centennial Coal’s biggest shareholder in May.

第一章分析了隐名股东的基础理论。Chapter 1 analyzes the basic theory of anonymous shareholder.

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三菱汽车直接入股东南汽车,给后者注入更多的活力。Mltsubishi has become a shareholder of Southeast Auto directly.

股东手中高达万亿的美元灰飞烟灭。Trillions of dollars in shareholder wealth have gone up in smoke.

股东制的反对者们认为该制度是一种寡廉鲜耻的制度。Opponents of shareholder capitalism claim that it is unscrupulous.

中芯国际仍然是AT2重要的战略合作伙伴和股东。SMIC continues to be AT2 valued strategic partner and shareholder.

但是仅靠股东权益安然是一个值得颂扬的公司。But Enron was hailed as a great company purely on shareholder value.

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一账号挂两股东账户一人中签股票无法转登记。A shareholder account has two owners that he can not do registration.

并且,雪上加霜的是,索爱成了Symbian的股东。And, adding to the sting, Sony Ericsson became a Symbian shareholder.

投票权增加后,中国将成为世界银行的第三大股东国。The change will make China the third largest shareholder at the Bank.

福布斯家族仍然是福布斯传媒公司的控股方。The Forbes family remains the controlling shareholder of Forbes Media.

合并计划尚需得到管制部门和股东们的同意。The merger is subject to standard regulatory and shareholder approvals.

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第二部分为股东派生诉讼的制度价值。The second part of the system of shareholder value of derivative ation.

计划中应考虑到股东权益的增加。Plans that result in incremental shareholder value should be considered.

我们有非常高质量的股东基础,这些都非常有益。We have a very high- quality shareholder base. Thatis all very positive.