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其中,白血病患儿心理方面的不良因素也直接影响治疗的效果。Children's psychical factor may have bad effect on the treatment.

在宗教香,主要用于与心理方面的气味。In religion incense is used primarily with the psychical aspects of smell.

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许多人认为心灵研究和招魂术已提供了这种证据。Psychical research and spiritualism are thought by many to supply such evidence.

同时,治疗过程中不能忽视心理疾患的康复。Much attention should be paid to psychical rehabilitation in the course of treatment.

目的了解癌症患者睡眠质量及心理状况。ObjectiveTo explore the sleep quality and psychical health of the patients with cancer.

“等”是一个不能以图画形式直接示意和描述的心理动词。"Wail" is a kind of psychical verb that cannot be sketched and described directly by pictures.

这是最高的心理状态,那里意识表现出对实相的面对面。This is the highest psychical state where consciousness appears to be face to face with Reality.

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随之而来自我中心的衰退,那引起了所有的这些心理上的杂乱。Along with this comes a fading of the egocentric self that is generating all of this psychical clutter.

本文从意蕴层对这种圆形心理时间结构进行了全面详细的分析。This paper gives a detailed analysis on the cyclical psychical time structure. The structure is not stastistic.

“审美距离”也被称作“心理距离”,是美学中最有影响的理论之一。Aesthetic distance is also called"psychical distance", which is one of the most influential theories in aesthetics.

抽慉的躯壳,卷缩在脚落,不能言语,让伤痛无懈地刺穿心灵吧!Draw of body shell , crimp in foot fall, Unable diction , get feel painful to nothing slack transpierce psychical !

该小说是关于主人公—一名前海军船长如何通过想象和回忆对自身的过去进行重新建构的心理历程。The novel is the protagonist---Skipper's flesh-out psychical journey of the imaginative reconstruction of his past.

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这一特点主要来自鲁迅的理性与感性、思想与其他复杂心理因素之间的矛盾性。This is mainly because of his contradictions between reason and perception, thought and other complicated psychical factors.

这些解释建立在一些完全确定的事实上,那就是精神上的分离完全被“内部阻抗”所维持着。These interpretations established with complete certainty the fact that psychical dissociations are maintained entirely by 'internal resistances'.

叔本华、尼采的唯意志论是一种哲学世界观,弗洛伊德的本能论则是一种心理哲学,二者之间具有一种内在关联,从而使弗洛伊德的思想汇入西方哲学源流之中。A. Schopenhauer's and F. W. Nietzsche's voluntarism is a kind of philosophical world outlook, while S. Freud's theory of instincts is a kind of psychical philosophy.

那些被看做是思维闪光的精神实体是确信的信号,或者是'自找上门'的复制、组合的清晰图景。The psychical entities which seem to serve as elements in thought are certain signs and more or less clear images which can be 'voluntarily' reproduced and combined.

更多的时候,它是对精神分析技术的一种高度价值的协助,因为它提供了一种能洞察无意识精神生活的最方便的方法。It is, moreover, a highly valuable aid to psycho-analytic technique, for it constitutes the most convenient method of obtaining insight into unconscious psychical life.

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积极心理健康教育中心的落成,标志着北京市19中实施积极心理健康教育工作又迈出了里程碑意义的一步。The Setting-up of the Positive Psychologically Healthy Education Center symbolizes that Beijing 19th Middle School makes a significant step for the psychical education.

以色列研究人员开展了类似的研究,帮助人们通过自我调节开发新的潜力,改变他们的意识提高运动员的身体和心理潜力。Israeli researchers conduct similar studies to help people reveal their new potential through self-regulation changing their consciousness and improving the psychical body potential for athletes.