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目前是香港大学百年校史项目的负责人。He is currently director of the HKU Centenary History Project.

切尔西成立一百周年纪念馆开始对外开放。The Centenary Museum that Sue Mears visited is open to the public.

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缣罤除非黄土白骨,我守你百岁无忧。Unless the loess bones of me and keep you the centenary worryfree.

我觉得我们可以为百年校庆做一些东西。I think that we could also produce some merchandise for the centenary.

我们秉持着这种精神和价值,来庆祝创校一百周年,展望港大的未来。It is in this spirit that we celebrate our Centenary and look into the future.

百年结晶的解决方案,使SOPREMA产品闻名全球。A centenary vitalization solutions makes SOPREMA well-known all over the world.

英联邦的时代也就是白澳政策盛行的时代。The centenary of Federation is also the centenary of the White Australia policy.

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有些人说他是暗示1884年成立的费边社成立一百年。Some say he was alluding to the centenary of the Fabian Society, founded in 1884.

谈及历史和传统,今年适逢香港海关成立一百周年。Talking about heritage, Hong Kong Customs will celebrate its centenary this year.

苏格兰和爱尔兰已经有121次竞争百年杯的历史。The Centenary Quaich has been contested on 121 occasions by Scotland and Ireland.

此次评选活动是为了纪念科学博物馆成立百年而特别举办。The poll was conducted as part of the Science Museum's events to mark its centenary.

村前那棵百年老榕被阳光筛出一地浓浓淡淡的树影,给人一片沁凉。The centenary banian tree in front of the village screens the sunshine, cooling the air.

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世界各地有关组织已经开始为国际妇女节百年华诞张罗庆典。Organizations nigh the globe have yet commenced planning for their IWD Centenary parties.

当老麦克唐纳在2010年百年NGLA打开,舌头肯定会摇摆。When Old Macdonald opens . the centenary of NGLA in 2010, tongues are sure to be wagging.

当老麦克唐纳在2010年百年NGLA打开,舌头肯定会摇摆。When Old Macdonald opens on the centenary of NGLA in 2010, tongues are sure to be wagging.

据布里顿百年诞辰还有三年时光,足以让传记作家来澄清是非,披露真相。Three years until his centenary is time enough for a fresh biographer to put the record straight.

纪念活动包括卡萨齐教授的介绍讲座和一个摄影展。We celebrate the centenary with a lecture by Prof. Giorgio Casacchia and a photographic exhibition.

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“树百年功夫龙,创世界功夫龙”,功夫龙将不懈追求。"Becoming centenary kungfu loong, creating world kungfu loong, " kungfu loongs unremitting pursuit.

世界各地有关组织已经开始为国际妇女节百年华诞张罗庆典。Organizations around the world have already commenced planning for their IWD Centenary celebrations.

世界各地有关组织已经开始为国际妇女节百年华诞张罗庆典。Organizations around the world have already commenced planning fo r their IWD Centenary celebrations.