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西格蒙德·弗洛伊德患有蕨类植物恐惧症。Sigmund Freud had a morbid fear of ferns.

他被从病态的幻想中解脱出来。He was disenthralled from morbid fantasies.

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简对于恐怖电影有变态的爱好。Jane has a morbid interest in horror films.

因为他们喜欢或者是病态心理。Because they like or their morbid psychology.

黑色幽默是指病态的或不健康的,阴郁的幽默。Black humor is morbid or unhealthy and gloomy humor.

一个很大的动静将我从这种病态的沉思中惊醒过来。A large movement shocked me from my morbid contemplation.

还爱棒球爱自由爱满地的大胖人!The-the baseball, the freedom, the rampant morbid obesity!

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她对展览馆的商业计划很不以为然。She had a morbid detestation of Li Hua's commercial schemes.

猎头,人的牺牲,野兽故事交织呈现。Morbid stories of head-hunters, human sacrifice, wild animals.

病态肥胖是可以预防的,但是你需要一些指导。Morbid obesity is preventable, but you may need some intervention.

职务犯罪是在病态心理支配下所进行的行为。Duty criminal is a behavior under the control of morbid psychology.

病友之死,使李的情绪极度消沉。The death of his friend drove Li into a state of morbid depression.

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地下墓穴对巴黎市民施展了一种病态的魔力。The catacombs exert a morbid fascination over the citizens of Paris.

我爱棒球,我爱自由,还有席卷全国的病态肥胖!Koothrappali The-the baseball, the freedom, the rampant morbid obesity!

自恋是一种局限于人类自身狭隘之爱的心理变态状态,是人性的扭曲和爱的麻木。Self-love is a kind of morbid state of mind confined to narrow self-love.

浑河、辽河沈阳段生态健康状况属于病态。The eco-health of the Liaohe river and Hunhe river in Shenyang are morbid.

几个星期以来,我一直在研究变态杀人。For weeks I've been investigating the murders with a certain morbid fascination.

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血热指血分有热,血行加速的病理状态。Blood heat refers to the morbid state of heat in the blood hastening the blood flow.

对于那些不像克鲁达斯般乐观的观察家们来说,正是左派显露出了“致病的征兆”。To less upbeat observers than Cruddas it is the left that displays "morbid symptoms".

清朝画家还喜欢体现女性的柔弱和病态。Female femininity and morbid beauty were also depicted by artists in the Qing Dynasty.