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椰浆饭是马来人最普遍的食品,虽然在每个新加坡的大排档都可以找得到,但只有马来人做的才是最好味、最正宗的。Nasi Lemak is a popular Malay dish made of rice cooked in coconut milk.

如果纳希没能迅速回到办公室,马多夫就会开始给他发传呼。If Nasi didn't get back to the office in short order, Madoff would start paging him.

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1968年,苏丹之位被废除,开创了以纳西尔为总统的共和政体。In1968the sultanate was abolished and a republic inaugurated with nasi ras president.

在我们的咖啡厅,您可以吃到我们厨师为您准备的本地菜譬如炒饭,炒面和炒米粉。If you are hungry, you would like to enjoy our own nasi lemak, fried rice or fried noodle.

鼻底欠丰满、鼻底脊不明显是唇裂术后最重要的缺陷之一。The floor of nose were not plump and the crest of basis nasi were not clear after cheiloplasty.

炒饭是印尼的一种著名的美食,红毛丹是一种味道甘甜、肉质透明的亚热带水果。Nasi goreng is a fried rice dish popular in Indonesia, while rambutans are a tropical fruit with a sweet translucent flesh.

这个记忆如此鲜明,现在,我还不时想起她的鼻尖隔着枕套,抵住我手掌的感觉。Thismemory is so distinct , I often remember her apex nasi now, being separated by a pillowcase, feeling withstanding my palm.

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在文献中,双套鼻及第三鼻孔的报告相当罕见,只有不到十二例的病例被报告出。No more than a dozen cases of supernumerary nostril are reported in the literature. They have an accessory alae nasi or have double nose.

目的比较髂嵴软骨、肋软骨分别移植于鼻翼软组织内、上颌骨表面的组织学变化。Objective To compare histological changes of iliac crest cartilage with costal cartilage graft in alae nasi soft tissue and on maxilla surface.

在临床上某些较为明显的病例中,降鼻中隔肌可在做表情时下拉鼻尖和缩短上唇。When clinically significant, the depressor septi nasi muscle may accentuate drooping of the nasal tip and shortening of the upper lip on animation.

招牌椰浆饭,饭经过香料同煮,味道特别不同,随花生、黄瓜、鸡蛋及江鱼仔同吃。Nasi Lemak Rempah Ratus, the rice cooked with coconut milk and spices accompanied by pickle vegetables, peanuts, cucumber, egg and anchovies spicy sauce.

结论功能性鼻窦手术主要适应证是感染性鼻窦疾病或妨碍引流的中鼻道病变。Conclusions The main indications of functional sinus surgery are infectious nasal sinus diseases or meatus nasi lesion that may interfere with the drainage.

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在诸多鼻翼缺损修复方法中,该方法简便易行、术后鼻翼外形好,面部显著部位不增加新的瘢痕,有独到优越性。In many methods for repair of defects of alae nasi, this method is simple, the appearance of alae nasi is good after operation and there is no new scar on face.

目的探讨鼻翼缺损区皮瓣、鼻唇沟皮瓣加耳廓软骨支架行鼻翼部分缺损整复的临床应用。Objective To discuss the clinical application of partial ala nasi defect prothesis with the skin flap of ala nasi defect region, the skin flap of nasolabial groove plus auricular cartilage bracket.