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病证结合。Sickness card union.

这是一个精神联盟。It was a spirit union.

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联编的联盟运河边。Union canal side of link.

这是一对优秀的搭档。This is an excellent union.

这是一对特出的伙伴。This is a pretty good union.

你能介绍下联合广场吗?Can you describe Union Square?

工会采取果断行动以迎接困难。The trade union battened down.

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是叛军还是联邦军?Was he a rebel or a Union man?

什么是戏剧演员的联盟?。What is the Theater Actor's Union?

你能跟我们讲讲联合广场吗?Can you tell us about Union Square?

你在联合广场都做什么?What are you doing in Union Square?

在北京协和医学院。At the Peking Union Medical College.

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你觉得联合广场怎么样?What do you think about Union Square?

联合广场周围,不太好说。In Union Square, I'm not exactly sure.

在这次罢工运动中,工会内分裂了。The Union schismatized in this strike.

联合广场是个很多元化的地方。Union Square is a pretty diverse area.

我步行三英里去了信用社。I walk three miles to the credit union.

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1861年,密西西比正是脱离英国。In 1861,Mississippi seceded from Union.

比如,有时候,你在联合广场,Like, sometimes you're in Union Square,

你经常在联合广场干什么?What do you usually do at Union Square?