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每周氚问题会议。Weekly tritium issues meetings.

氚原子多了两个中子。A tritium atom has two extra neutrons.

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结合态氚的形成和积累随时间呈缓慢增长的趋势。The bound tritium in seashell increases slowly with time.

每一个聚变反应会耗一个氚核并只产生一个中子。Every fusion reaction devours exactly one tritium ion and produces exactly one neutron.

我们已经看到地下水污染最近的证据,也就是在氚的情况中。We've seen some recent evidence of groundwater contamination, namely in the tritium case.

在冷去水中通常发生的另一种放射物质是氚。The other radioactive material often in the cooling water of a nuclear reactor is tritium.

介绍了一种液体闪烁氚测量仪的软件结构设计。The software structure design for Liquid Scintillation detector of tritium was introduced.

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以量热测氚法为基础,设计了一套自动化测氚装置。Based on the calorimetric tritium method, an automatic tritium measurement device was designed.

本文报道了青海湖地区天然水中氚的分布及其变化。The distribution characteristics of tritium in natural water in the area of Qinghai Lake is presented.

在HI-13串列加速器上建立了我国第一台氚气体靶装置。A tritium gas target was built and employed in neutron physics experiments at HI 13 tandem accelerator.

氚是在控制核子武器的传播和更进一步的发展过程中被忽视的材料。Tritium is the neglected material in controlling the spread and further development of nuclear weapons.

氚发出的辐射很弱,在空气传播不远,不能穿透皮肤。Tritium emits a weak form of radiation that does not travel very far in the air and cannot penetrate the skin.

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但是由于这个非常低标准的氚,进入到地下水里,迁移了水,关闭了实验室。But because of this very low level tritium getting into the ground water and migrating it shut the laboratory down.

在这个设定中,氢不再是稳定的,但是其更重些的同位素氘和氚却是稳定的。In this scenario, hydrogen would no longer be stable, but its slightly heavier isotopes deuterium or tritium could be.

佛蒙特州的洋基反应堆已经发生氚泄漏、一个冷却塔内倒塌,甚至电厂变压器也发生过火灾。The Vermont Yankee reactor has had tritium leaks, a cooling tower collapse and even a fire in the plant's transformer.

计算2005年意外的氚排放并在2005年放射性流出物排放报告中刊出声明。Calculated inadvertent tritium released for 2005 and put a statement into the 2005 Radioactive Effluent Release Report.

造成氚环境污染的主要危险来自氚循环回路中的偏滤器子系统的抽出气体泄漏。Main hazard results from the tritium leakage of the subsystem of divertor plasma exhaust gas in the tritium cycle loop.

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本文介绍了1988~1993年浙江省环境中氚放射性水平调查结果。The results of environmental tritium radioactivity level investigation in Zhejiang Province from 1988-1993 were showed.

冷却水含有新闻报道的两种危险程度最低的放射性物质——放射氮和放射氚。The water contains two of the least dangerous radioactive materials now in the news — radioactive nitrogen and tritium.

氘和氚结合在一起形成氦5,当氦分裂,释出一个中子,也释出大量能量。Deuterium and tritium goes together makes helium 5. Helium splits out, and a neutron comes out and lots of energy comes out.