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这就是热狗吗?Is this a hotdog?

你喜欢吃热狗吗?。Do you like hotdog?

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卖热狗的摊子前排着长队。There is a long line at the hotdog stand.

您的热狗所有的配料都要加吗?Would you like the hotdog with the works?

恩,请给我一个热狗和一个大杯可乐。Yes. Give me a hotdog and a large coke, please.

巨型热狗作为餐厅的招牌。Giant hotdog used as the restaurant's signboard.

一旦咬了一口他的热狗,你绝对会吃得狼吞虎咽。Once you bite it, you have to polish off his hotdog.

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那是我的热狗。今天中午我不回来吃饭了。That's my hotdog. I won't come back for lunch today.

请买一些烤肉时要吃的热狗和做汉堡用的圆面包。Please buy some hotdog and hamburger buns for our barbecue.

午餐吃热狗,如果能呆到晚餐时间那就吃中餐。A hotdog when she came for lunch, Chinese if she stayed for dinner.

对我来说,在公园里热狗摊旁度过的午餐休息时间是我一天中最快乐、最有趣的时光。Lunch break at the hotdog stand in the park is the most enjoyable and interesting time of day for me.

您可能已经想到当购物者购买热狗时,他也很有可能购买热狗小面包。You might already expect that when a shopper purchases hotdogs, that shopper most likely purchases hotdog buns too.

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黑条是附在套管上的标记,如果黑条消失了表示热狗已经煮好,可以包装了。The stripe is a marker attached to the casing. The absence of a black stripe means a hotdog is cooked and ready for packaging.

作为一种青年亚文化,哈狗帮现象引起了社会的普遍恐慌,但却很难禁止哈狗歌的流行。Hotdog's songs in the society. As a youth sub-culture, Mc. Hotdog phenomenon has caused a general panic. However, it is difficult to prevent Mc.

店家表示,这款全球最贵的热狗将于全国热狗日推出,同时配合当地的职棒球赛时程。The store said that the world's most expensive hotdog will be launched on National Hotdog Day, to correspond with the local baseball match schedule.

现在,麻州一家热狗店决定推出号称全世界最贵的热狗,让这款平价美食摇身一变,成为一份80美元的高档佳肴。Now, a hotdog store in Massachusetts has decided to launch the world's most expensive hotdog so that this cheap food has been transformed into a high-end meal worth USD80.

在苦思要做什麽网站时,他们看到了在吃热狗比赛中打败美国人的日本大胃王冠军小林尊。While mulling over what kind of website they wanted to build, they caught sight of the Japanese eating champion Takeru Kobayashi beating an American contender in a hotdog eating contest.

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据说他习惯用手抓着一大块肉,就像我们在看棒球比赛时吃热狗那样,狼吞虎咽,尽管别人都衣冠整齐,等着肉和酱汁端上来,而他却边啃着那些肉边四处游走There is this legend that he used to grab these huge chunks of meat and started gnawing on them like he would on a hotdog or something like that at a Yankee game, except that other people were already dressed up and the meat and the gravy was flying over them as he just sort of walked around gnawing on this stuff.