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很好,弗莱契。Very well, Fletcher.


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斯普拉格·德·坎普和弗莱彻.普拉特L. Sprague de Camp and Fletcher Pratt

海鸥弗莱契•林德,你想飞行吗?Fletcher Lynd Seagull, do you want to fly?

弗莱彻的风格也是类似,踢得兢兢业业。Fletcher is a similarly conscientious character.

大家都笑了,主要是因为每个人都喜欢弗莱切主任。People laughed, mostly because everyone liked Dean Fletcher.

“我们完成的主要任务是细胞计数,”弗莱彻说。"Cell counting is the main thing we have done," Says Fletcher.

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“我们知道斯托克会有多么难打,”弗莱彻告诉曼联网站。"We know what to expect from Stoke, " Fletcher told ManUtd. com.

他能够通过任意球给予你致命一击。"He can punish teams from a dead-ball situation, " warned Fletcher.

此后,卡拉•弗莱彻在3月出任特别活动协调员。Then Carla Fletcher took over as special events coordinator in March.

到了早晨,鸥群已经忘记了自己那阵疯狂劲儿,但弗莱契没忘。By morning the Flock had forgotten its insanity, but Fletcher had not.

弗莱彻·马歇尔。1973年遇害,就在格拉夫顿被殴打致死。Fletcher Marshall. Murdered in 1973. Beaten to death right in Grafton.

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弗莱契还在那里眨巴眼睛,弄不明白怎么会一下子换了地方,‘你刚才干什么来着?Fletcher still blinked from the change of scene. “What did you just do?

这个粗野的年轻海鸥弗莱契,已非常近于一个尽善尽美的飞行员了。This rough young Fletcher Gull was very nearly a perfect flight-student.

弗莱彻将咀嚼推到了极致,建议节食者咀嚼他们的饮料!Fletcher pushed this to the extreme, suggesting dieters chew their drinks!

弗莱契转向他的导师,眼里流露出吃惊的神情。Fletcher turned to his instructor, and there was a moment of fright in his eye.

乔纳森领头,弗莱契平稳地飞在他的右翼,亨利•卡尔文雄赳赳地在他的左翼紧跟。Fletcher smoothly at his right wing, Henry Calvin struggling gamely at his left.

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这一发现虽然很有趣,但并未能证明因果关系,弗莱彻认为。That finding, though intriguing, doesn't prove cause and effect, Fletcher argues.

杰拉德第二个进球是擦着弗莱彻的身边绕过人墙的。Gerrard's second goal was a free-kick which slid past Darren Fletcher in the wall.

不过,弗莱彻认为克莱维利回来的时候还会是球队的重要球员。However, Fletcher is convinced Cleverley will return to play a key role this term.