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不会使地面过热。It will not superheat the floor.

在此基础上还模拟了不同过热度下铸坯的凝固组织。Otherwise, the solidification structure for different superheat was simulated.

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低过热度浇注可以获得理想的A356铝合金半固态浆料。The fine semi-solid slurries of A356 alloy can be obtained by low superheat pouring.

不要过分煽动群众的愤怒情绪,不然连你也不能控制局势啦。Don't superheat the anger of the mass. Otherwise you will not be able to control them.

此时洁净热煤气在锅炉改良之前进入过热段。The clean hot gases then enter the boiler superheat section as was before the retrofit.

过热循环被选择为和先前的朗肯循环具有相同的汽轮机排汽条件。This superheat cycle was chosen to have the same turbine exhaust conditions as the previous Rankine cycle.

通过对淮北发电厂使用不同年限的在役锅炉高温炉管进行分析,对其寿命进行了定性综合评估。This paper analyses kinds of superheat tubes that have been being used for different hours in a power plant.

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大平面铸件常在内浇道根部出现过热,在该处产生缩松缺陷。There easily exists shrinkage porosity due to superheat of ingate root in large plain parts investment casting.

在过热的循环过程中,离开锅炉汽包的干饱和蒸汽在进入汽轮机前被进一步加热。In the superheat cycle, the saturated dry steam leaving the boiler drum is further heated before entering the turbine.

为了降低钢液的过热度,设计了一种水冷水口,使它能够应用在实际生产中。To lower the superheat of liquid steel, a water-cooled nozzle is designed to be used into commercial run in the paper.

此外还分析了拉速、过热度和冷却水量等因素对稳态温度场的影响。Furthermore, casting speed, superheat and cooling waters effects on steady temperature field are analyzed in this paper.

现在,我国政府对房地产市场局部过热和“泡沫化”倾向作出了足够的重视。Now, Our country Government partial superheat and "the froth" the tendency has made the enough value to the real estate market.

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熔体过热处理是细化组织提高合金力学性能的有效途径。Molten melt superheat treatment is an effective means for microstructure refinement and advancement of alloy mechanical property.

随着钢水过热度的提高熔池液面温度和铸坯出口温度都有所提高。In addition, the temperature of free surface and outlets are both increased with the increasing of casting speed pool and superheat temperature.

以此为基础,利用合理的散热设计和过热保护电路,设计并实现了一套UHF宽带固态大功率放大器。On this basis, by using logical cooling means and superheat protect means, we design and implement a UHF broadband solid-state high power amplifier.

本文利用统计热力学涨落理论提出一个新的假说,并由此建立了确定液体极限过热度的新方法。A new hypothesis is proposed in the paper to determine the superheat limit of liquid on the basis of fluctuation theory of statistical thermodynamics.

熔体过热处理的弛豫过程和引起的不可逆过程使熔体状态变化出现滞后效应,从而影响定向凝固界面形态稳定性。The influences of hysteresis and relaxation of melt superheat on the morphological stability of interface in directional solidification were described.

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基于此设计一种锅炉过热蒸汽温度在线模糊PID双模控制方法,并给出详细设计方案。Has designed one boiler superheat vapor temperature online fuzzy PID double model control method based on this, and has given the detailed design proposal.

实验研究了过热度、初始水温及水位高度对方腔内池水瞬态闪蒸时间的影响。Experimental study allows us to correlate the flashing duration time with the superheat and the initial water level as well as the initial water temperature.

系统的输入参数除传统的电压、温度和分子比外,还采用初晶温度、过热度和阴极压降等作为系统的输入参数。Besides the cell voltage, bath temperature and bath ratio, the inputs of the system also include the liquidus temperature, superheat extent and cathode voltage.